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weathering and erosion

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Q: What process needs to take place in order for ingneous rock to become sedimentary rock?
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What conditions are necessary for animals and plants to become fossils?

The animal or plants needs to be covered in a sedimentary silt or mud, for a very long time.

The pieces become pressed together and form solid and called?

The question needs a better focus. Taking it as read, the pieces become impacted. Or perhaps a bimetallic strip? Or a sedimentary rock?

What is the first step in making sedimentary rock?

The first step in making sedimentary rock is the sediment is produced by the weathering of minerals and large rocks. Then, the sediment is carried by fast-moving water.

How is it possible to change marble into sedimentary rock?

Marble, when exposed to the elements, can be weathered like any other rock. The products of weathering can accumulate and form sediments, which, when sufficiently deeply buried, can become sedimentary rocks.

Wild animals can become more suitable for human needs through a process called?

Selective breeding.

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It also needs the energy from Sunlight! It is called "Photosynthesis".

Fossils are found mainly in- - - rock?

Limestone and sandstone. The rock needs to be one that's formed from sedimentation around the dead animal.

How can sedimentary rock turn into metamorphic rock?

The rock needs to be 100 to 200 km under the Earth's surface.

Communication is not an event it is a process discuss?

It needs a lot of things to occur in order to be effective. You must speak clearly, have it become encoded, and have the other person decode it properly.

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Answer: A. The process needs to produce significant amounts of ammonia= D. The process needs to be able to be performed safely.​ APEX Which two criteria are the most important for engineers to consider when developing a process to produce ammonia? A. The process needs to produce significant amounts of ammonia. B. The process needs to copy something that has already been done. C. The reactants need to come from natural sources. D. The process needs to be able to be performed safely.​

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"Compromise" is the process of accommodating different needs and view points, and not "government".

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