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Rikki is a hero because Rikki saved the human and he kills the Cobras.

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Q: What textual evidence supports the idea that Rikki is a hero?
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What textual evidence supports the idea that Rikki-tikki is a hero?

Rikki-tikki's courage and cleverness are highlighted in his encounters with the snakes, such as Nag and Nagaina. For example, his quick thinking and bravery enable him to outsmart the snakes and protect his adopted human family from harm. Additionally, Rikki-tikki's unwavering determination to defend his territory and loved ones further solidifies his hero status in the story.

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Rikki Lee Travolta goes by Hero.

Who is the mood in Rikki- tikki - tavi?

The mood in "Rikki-Tikki-Tavi" is mostly suspenseful and adventurous, with moments of danger and tension as the mongoose Rikki battles against the cobras to protect his adopted family. There are also elements of triumph and victory as Rikki emerges as the hero.

What is two falling actions for Rikki tikki tavi?

Two falling actions in the story "Rikki-Tikki-Tavi" include the final confrontation between Rikki-Tikki and Nagaina in her burrow, leading to the resolution of the conflict. Another falling action is Rikki-Tikki being welcomed as a hero by the family for defeating the cobras and making the garden safe again.

Can you play Guitar Hero with three guitars?

No, on all systems Guitar Hero III only supports guitar and bass.

Is Bono a hero?

He is a role model because he does use his money not just for fancy funiture but also he supports charaties.

What does Rikki tikki tavi think?

He thinks that killing Nag and Nagaina is natural for him because he is a mongoose while other animals like Darzee think he is a hero.

Why is Rikki-Tikki-Tavi so popular?

"Rikki-Tikki-Tavi" is popular due to its engaging story about a brave and cunning mongoose who protects a family from cobras. The character of Rikki-Tikki, along with the themes of courage and loyalty, resonate with readers of all ages. The story's exotic setting in India and Rudyard Kipling's vivid storytelling also contribute to its enduring popularity.

Plot diagramm of Rikki tikki tavi?

"Rikki-Tikki-Tavi" by Rudyard Kipling follows a traditional plot diagram structure: Exposition: Rikki-tikki, a mongoose, is rescued by a British family and makes their garden his home. Rising Action: Rikki-tikki befriends the family, protects them from cobras, and becomes aware of Nag and Nagaina's evil plans. Climax: Rikki-tikki outwits and defeats Nag and Nagaina, saving the family from harm. Falling Action: Rikki-tikki is hailed a hero and continues to protect the family and garden. Resolution: Rikki-tikki continues to live happily with the family, becoming an integral part of their lives.

Who supports Claudio's love hero?

don pedroI do, as their relationship is based on love at first sight,which i happen to believe in.

Is The Punisher from marvel a hero?

In a way, yes the Punisher is a hero. He is a vigilante and brings justice in a way that almost seems cruel. He enjoys beating people to a pulp, but also supports justice.

Who was the sister of the Trojan war hero Achilles?

There has been no written evidence of a sibling of Achilles.