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Yo Momma is the weathering of the subsoil because she has her own gravitonal pull

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1mo ago

The subsoil layer of soil is weathered by physical, chemical, and biological processes. These include factors such as temperature fluctuations, moisture levels, soil organisms, and the breakdown of minerals. Over time, these processes can break down rocks and minerals in the subsoil layer and contribute to its weathering.

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Q: What weathers the subsoil layer of soil?
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Is it true Unweathered rock that underlies soil is subsoil.?

No, unweathered rock that underlies soil is typically referred to as bedrock, not subsoil. Subsoil is the layer of soil beneath the topsoil that is rich in minerals and nutrients.

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The subsoil.

What is the soil layer of rock beneath the soil is called what?

The soil layer of rock beneath the soil is called bedrock. It is the solid rock layer that underlies the loose topsoil and subsoil layers.

What are topsoil subsoil and bedrock?

Topsoil is the uppermost layer of soil that contains organic matter and is crucial for plant growth. Subsoil is the layer beneath topsoil that is lower in organic matter and contains more minerals. Bedrock is the solid rock layer beneath subsoil that serves as the parent material for soil formation.

What is in each layer of soil?

The soil is typically divided into three main layers: topsoil, subsoil, and bedrock. Topsoil is the uppermost layer rich in organic matter, nutrients, and microorganisms. Subsoil lies beneath the topsoil and consists of less organic matter but more minerals. Bedrock is the solid rock layer that underlies the subsoil and serves as the parent material for the soil above.

What is a layer of soil at the surface of the ground?

The layer of soil at the surface of the ground is called topsoil. It is the topmost layer of soil which is rich in nutrients and organic matter, making it ideal for plant growth. Topsoil is essential for agriculture and gardening.

What soil layer is also called subsoil?

The soil layer that is also called subsoil is the B horizon. It is located below the A horizon (topsoil) and above the C horizon (bedrock). The subsoil contains less organic matter and is primarily composed of minerals and leached materials from the layers above.

What are the three layers that form the soil profile?

The three layers that form the soil profile are topsoil, subsoil, and bedrock. Topsoil is the uppermost layer rich in organic matter and nutrients, while subsoil is the middle layer with less organic material and more minerals. Bedrock is the solid rock layer found beneath the soil layers.

What comes after subsoil?

After subsoil comes the parent material, which is the bedrock or unconsolidated material that lies beneath the subsoil. The parent material is the layer from which the soil is derived through weathering and other geological processes.

Which is the layer of soil that contains of weathered rocks?

The layer of soil that contains weathered rocks is the subsoil. This layer is located beneath the topsoil and consists of partially weathered rocks and minerals.