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'Steal' electrons from other elements where possible, or share them if that is more efficient.

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Q: What will chlorine do to become more stable?
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Is chlorine a diatomic molecule and why?

Yes because chlorine molecules bond to themselves to become more stable.

What does chlorine need to become stable?

A chlorine atom needs one additional electron in order to become stable.

Unlike sodium and chlorine some atoms become more stable by sharing electrons forming what?

Unlike the sodium and chlorine, some atoms become more stable by sharing electrons and therefore form the ionic compounds.

Unlike sodium and chlorine some atoms become more stable by sharing what?


Which is stable chlorine ion or chlorine molecule?

Chlorine ion (particularly Chloride ion) is more stable than Chlorine molecule

Is chlorine stable or unstable?

Chlorine is stable.

How will sodium and chlorine become stable?

Sodiumbeing in group 1 needs to loose 1e- to become stable. Chlorine being from group 17 needs to gain 1e- to become stable. Sodium gives its extra electronto the chlorine atom. Now both have 8 electrons in their valence and are stable. The sodium gets a positive charge because it lost and electron. The chlorine gets a negative charge because it gained an electron.This creates an ionic bond

Is chlorine atom stable?

Yes, Chlorine atom is stable

The charge on a chloride ion in AICI3 is?

Each separate chlorine ion will have a charge of 1-. This is because chlorine has 7 valence electrons, so it needs one more electron to become stable.

Why elemental sodium react and chlorine react so readily?

Sodium has only one electron to lose to become very stable and Chlorine has only 1 to gain to become stable. So this is overall a very favorable reaction energetically.

What happens to the electronic arrangement of a chlorine atom when it becomes a chlorine ion?

It goes form 2,8,7 to 2,8,8 as one electron has been gained in order to get a full outer shell and become more stable.

Which is more stable neutral chlorine atoms or chlorine ions Why?

Chlorine ion is more stable because it has got the maximum number(8) of electrons possible in its valence shell, it is known as the octet. When an ion achieves octet, it has got the electronic configuration of a noble gas, which is inert and very stable.