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Hydrochloric acid is secreted by the glands present on the stomach walls. It dissolves bits of food and creates an acidic medium. The acidic medium allows pepsinogen to be converted into pepsin. Pepsin plays an important role in the digestion of proteins. Therefore, if HCl were not secreted in the stomach, then pepsin would not be activated. This would affect protein digestion. A pH of about 1.8 is necessary for proteins to be digested. This pH is achieved by HCl.

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Q: What would be happen if HCL were not secreted in stomach?
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What is the acidic substance secreted by glands in the stomach wall?

Hydrochloric acid (HCl)

What is normal pH of stomach?

The normal pH of the stomach is about 2-3 and is caused by a high concentration of HCl secreted by the parietal cells of the stomach.

What cell secretes the hormone that promote production of HCL?

The hormone gastrin functions to increase HCl production in the stomach. Gastric is secreted by G cells.

Can bile get into the stomach?

Bile is created in the liver and is stored in the gallbladder, after which it is secreted through bile ducts into the duodenum. It actually never crosses paths with the HCl that is in the stomach. However, if you were to put the two substances in a battle against eachother, i would put money on the HCl in the stomach to beat the bile. :)

What does gastrin stimulate?

Gastrin is a hormone secreted by the stomach which stimulates the secretion of hydrochloric acid, increase motility, and stomach emptying.

What are the two acid in the stomach?

The gastric acid that is secreted into the stomach is primarily composed of hydrochloric acid (HCl).

Why are protein digestive enzymes produced and released in an inactive form?

In the case of protein digesting enzymes, known as endopeptidases, such as those secreted in the stomach (pespin), it is obvious. If they were secreted active they would digest the glands which secrete the enzymes themselves (gastric glands). Instead they must be secreted in an inactive form, which once in the stomach and exposed to HCl acid and other pepsin enzymes the pepsinogen activates and begins digesting protein.

What are the three substances secreted by various cell that are found in the with in gastric pit area of the stomach?

Acid, Mucus and Hormones. The hormones secreted by the stomach include proteases such as pepsinogen and prorennin. The acid is HCL (Hydrochloric acid). It helps in killing the germs, prevents the decay of food and also activates the inactive hormones into pepsin and rennin which help in the digestion of proteins. Mucus is secreted to protect the lining of stomach from corrosion due to the highly acidic HCL present in the stomach.

What would happen if specialized cells in your stomach could no longer produce HCl?

The main functions of HCl is killing microorganisms and bacteria. it also aids in digestion as it helps breaking down ingested food into small soluble particles which are then taken up by the blood stream. Reverse will happen if the stomach stops producing HCl.

What is the source of pepsin?

Pepsin is an enzyme which is secreted by Zymogen cells of the stomach. First it is secreted in an inactive form called Pepsinogen. After that Hydrochloric acid (HCl) activates it into pepsin. FUNCTION:Its function is to hydrolyse the proteins to yield peptide.

What would happen if you had no stomach?

Food will miss a very important part of digestion. Persons with part stomach needs additional pepsin or Hcl substitutes. With full rejection of stomach, its so difficult

What kind of acid is secreted by the stomach?

Hydrochloric acid ( HCl) is produced in the stomach.Gastric acid my dear =) lol