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There would be no living organisms found if no oceans existed on Earth. Earth's oceans are responsible for producing living things on the planet.

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the population of animals would decrease

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Q: What would life on earth be like with no oceans?
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Did Mars used to be like earth?

yes a lot of scientists believe mars was once like earth with plants and oceans

What would earth look like if most of its crust was above sea level?

It would probably be mostly desert. As the oceans are responsible for the fresh water that comes from rain. The atmosphere would also be different as the ocean is also a massive carbon sink. It is hard to imagine of the top of my head but the whole of the way life and weather works depends on the large amount of water that is free to interact on the earth.

What is on the surface of earth?

On the Earth there is life basically such as organisms like us and animals.

Why does an earth-like planet need to be earth-sized to sustain life?

Who says it does? If we're looking at it as a potential colonization site that would be convenient ... much smaller and it will have a very thin atmosphere (like Mars); much larger and it will have a gravity that's uncomfortable to move around in ... but that wouldn't affect simple life like bacteria much.

Do you live twice on earth?

Yes...After We died we will Be reborn on earth and have a different life but everything will be the Same and you'll won't remember you'll first life on earth when we be reborn this will be like our first life on earth but there won't be any video games or same tv show like we do now we will have same family but you'll be in the same city like you are now but you are going to be different school then right after you died from your second life on earth then you'll be in heaven or hell

Related questions

What would the earth look like if all the oceans disappeared?

It would be like the rest of earth, mountains etc.

Does Mars have oceans like on earth?

No, mars don't have oceans like on earth.

What is the earth like?

The Earth is round with oceans and continets.

What would earth be like if the ozone was destoyed?

If there was no ozone, there would be no life. UV is fatal for life on earth.

What would happen if you blow up the moon?

Earth's oceans would lose their tides and the debris would form rings around the Earth, just like the outer planets have.

What do geochemist study?

They study the earth using the principles of chemistry. They would study things like the oceans, the earth's crust, rocks, and so on.

What would Earth's weather be like without oceans?

The ocean is the major factor of heat, and delivers warm air to where ever the current takes it. It will be much colder, winters will be nasty as there are no warming influences of the oceans. Also, it will be much drier with a significant decrease of rainfall. The oceans are a major factor of rainfall. Without an ocean, ice would cover 15-23 per cent of the earth. Deserts would dominate the equator regions, and everywhere else would be COLDER and DRIER.

Would there be any life on earth if earth was not tilted?

i like cheese Yes but if would be freezing cold.

What would life be without water?

The oceans will be empty and the aquatic animals will die. The plants will not survive without water neither we. We would all die. We need the water to drink, and if the plants die, we will have nothing to eat and nothing will be alive. The earth will look like the father of Sahara desert. The whole earth will be deserted. Without tree there will be almost no oxygen. The earth with heat very muchTHERE WOULDNT BE LIFE

What life could be like on the newly discovered super Earth planets?

What life would be like on a newly discovered super earth planet depends wholly on what a person wants it to be like. Everyone has a different picture of what this type of life would be like. I imagine it would be full.

Why are the other planets not same as the earth?

They don't have the charecteristics for life on them, like lack of oxygen and water and ozone layers, and don't have bodies of water like oceans , seas, and lakes.

Which planet has life and liquid water?

That would be, like, "Earth". like, like, really?!