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The atoms of hydrogen and oxygen (H and O) bond together to form covalent bonds which is where the atoms share electrons (as opposed to ionic bonding which is where one atom gives electrons to another atom). The atoms that were in the gasses combine and form water H2O which is at room temperature a liquid

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Q: When H gas and O gas react to form water what happens to the atoms that were in the gases and what kind of bonds result?
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Why do gases rarely form bonds with other atoms?

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The state of matter that keeps atoms together is solid. Liquids and gases allow atoms to break apart from each other.

Why don't the noble gases react with other atoms?

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Why do atoms form bonds with other atoms?

Bonds are attractions between atoms. They usually share electrons, or gain them, or lose them to make sure their layers have the full electrons that they need.

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uncomplete atoms attract each other sort of like a magnet. when they 'stick' together they are then called a molecule but there are atoms that do not form together because they are complete. they are called Noble Gases.

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When atoms form bonds and fill their outermost energy levels they have an electronic arrangement similar to what?

Their electronic configuration is similar to that of noble gases.