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i am asking the same quesion it is on my chemistry homework and i dont know the answer!!

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When sodium ignites in water, it undergoes a chemical change by reacting with the water to produce hydrogen gas and heat. This is a chemical property of sodium.

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Q: When Sodium ignites when dropped in water is it either a physical property or a chemical property?
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A match head ignites when struck Is this a chemical property?

Yes, the match head igniting when struck is a chemical property. It involves the chemical reaction between the match head and the striking surface that produces heat, leading to ignition.

Is White phosphorous ignites easily a physical change?

Yes, white phosphorus igniting is a physical change because it involves a change in the physical state of the substance (from solid to gas) without altering its chemical composition.

Is lighting a matchstick physical?

Yes, lighting a matchstick is a physical action that involves striking the match head against a rough surface to produce friction and heat, which ignites the match.

Is white phosphorous ignites easily a chemical property?

Yes, white phosphorus's ability to ignite easily is a chemical property because it describes how the substance behaves in terms of its reactivity and combustion characteristics.

When a small piece of potassium metal is dropped into a breaker of water the potassium moves about rapidly and then ignites within seconds the metal is gone and all activity ceases this is and example?

It is an example of a chemical reaction

What happens when sodium is dropped in cold water?

it grabs electrons from hydrogen and forms H2 which ignites to explode'

Is a match ignites to form ash and mixture of gases a physical or chemical changes?

The process of a match igniting to form ash and a mixture of gases involves a chemical change. This is because there is a chemical reaction taking place when the match combusts, converting the matchstick's materials into new substances like ash and gases.

Striking a match chemical or physical?

Physical properties of the match would include thing such as its state, colour, odour, density and solubility. Chemical changes in the match would be such things at its ability to burn and the chemical changes of when the match is lit and there becomes a flame. Hope this helps a bit :)

Is it a chemical change when a safety match ignites and burns?

Yes, when a safety match ignites and burns, it undergoes a chemical change. The reactants in the match head combine with oxygen to produce new substances, such as carbon dioxide, water vapor, and heat. This change is irreversible.

What is photophores?

Photophor is the trade name for the chemical "Calcium Phosphide".On contact with acids or water, Calcium Phosphide,ignites spontan.This chemical is used for incendiary bombs and fireworks.

When a spark ignites the mixture of gas and fuel in a four stroke engine stored chemical energy is converted to blank energy?

When a spark ignites the mixture of gas and fuel in a four-stroke engine, stored chemical energy is converted to thermal energy, which causes the gas and fuel mixture to burn and expand rapidly, generating mechanical energy that powers the engine.