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If the sedimentary rock contains angular gravel sized (> 2mm) sediment it is called a brecciia. If the gravel is rounded it is called a conglomerate.

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Q: When a sedimentary rock consists of angular and gravel-sized particles what s it called?
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What best describes Breccia?

A clastic sedimentary rock with angular particles.

Which describes breccia?

A. a clastic sedimentary rock with angular particles B. a chemical sedimentary rock C. a biochemical sedimentary rock D. a clastic sedimentary rock with large, rounded particles answer is a

Rock salt and rock gypsum are common examples of a group of chemical sedimentary rocks called?

Rock salt and rock gypsum are common examples of a group of chemical sedimentary rocks called evaporities. When a sedimentary rock consists of angular, grave sized particles is breccia.

Rock salt and rock gypsum are common examples of a group of chemical sedimentary rocks called .?

Rock salt and rock gypsum are common examples of a group of chemical sedimentary rocks called evaporities. When a sedimentary rock consists of angular, grave sized particles is breccia.

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What type of sedimentary rock is formed from larger settled particles such as pebbles and gravel?

Rounded pebbles: conglomerate. Angular gravel: breccia.

What are angular sediments?

sedimentary rocks , rocks that rock.

How can a sedimentary rock become a breccias?

Firstly, a breccia is itself a kind of sedimentary rock. It consists mainly of large (pea sized and up), angular sediment grains. For an existing sedimentary rock to become a breccia, it must be weathered into fragments, redeposited elsewhere, and buried to sufficient pressure for the sediment to become rock.

What sedimentary rock is made of large angular pieces of sediment?


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Sedimentary rock that is composed of angular pebbles?

Breccia is made up of pebbles, boulders, cobbles or gravel that are angular in shape. Conglomerate is similar to Breccia but have a rounded shape instead of angular shape.

What are a mix of of sharp angular pebbles?

A sedimentary rock called "breccia". The sharp angular pebbles making up the breccia could be igneous, sedimentary, or metamorphic. Breccias generally form close to the point of origin of the clast rock, having less time to round those sharp angular edges.