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actually blue salt of copper sulphate is chemically copper sulphate penta hydrate( CuSO4.5H2O ). blue coloure is due to thiese 5 moles of water . by heating this water evaporates and leaving CuSO4 which is colourless

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Q: When blue salt of copper sulphate is heated it becomes colourless why?
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What happens if Copper Sulphate penta-hydrate is heated?

Copper sulphate pentahydrate loses water of crystallisation and becomes white amorphous anhydrous copper sulphate.

Why blue crystals of copper sulphate on heating turn colourless?

The formula of the blue crystals of copper sulphate is CuSO4.5H2O. When they are heated mildly, the water from the crystals evaporate, giving just CuSO4. This 'anhydrous' form of copper (II) sulphate is white in colour.

Why when blue salt copper sulphate is heated it becomes colourless?

Blue copper(II) sulfate (CuSO4), when heated, loses 5 water molecules per formula unit of water of crystallization. Its lattice structure collapses, giving it different physical properties, i.e. color.

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When blue colour copper sulphate crystal are heated?

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What happens when sulphuric acid is mixed with copper oxide and heated?

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What happensd when copper sulphate are heated?

The reaction is;CuSO4 = CuO + SO3

What are some reversible chemical reactions?

Examples of reversible chemical reactions - hydrous copper sulphate (blue) heated becomes anhydrous copper sulphate (white). When water is added, the reaction is reversed. Nitrogen dioxide (reddish brown gas) reacts to form colourless dinitrogen tetroxide, this reaction can go the other way also. Hydrogen and oxygen react to form water. This molecule can be split back into hydrogen and oxygen through electrolysis.

What happens to copper sulphate when heated?

It turns into a white powder and when water is then again added to the deydrated copper sulphate it turns back to its original colour