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They believed that they are left over rock from the Big Bang Theory

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Q: When do scientist think the asteroids originated?
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Why do scientist think the asteroids will never form into planets?

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Why do you think scientist have not named all of the asteroids in the asteroid belt?

Scientists may not have named all of the asteroids in the asteroid belt because there are so many that they are hard to keep track of.

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How many asteroids do scientist believes exist in the solar system?

one million

How do meteors get knocked out of the asteroid belt?

There are collisions between asteroids, which can knock asteroids and asteroid fragments into different orbits. Some asteroids may not have originated in the asteroid belt.

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Asteroids relation to earth?

Scientist say that a large sum of asteroids did a big bang and the asteroids created the lava core in the center of the Earth, when the Earth spun the heat cooled down so that bits of rock and environment could form. So according to scientist asteroids created Earth. Basically he means that earth was made from rock

Is it true that Deimos and Phobos are believed to be asteroids from the belt between Mars and Jupiter pulled by Mars' gravity?

Yes, it is commonly thought the moons originated as asteroids, pulled from the belt by gravity.

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Where are asteroids hypothesized to have originated?

In the asteroid belt, as well as in the rings of some of the gas giants.