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When the plates are moving apart.

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Q: When does new crust form at plate boundaries?
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Related questions

What do spreading plate boundaries create?

They create new crust.

Where is the new earth's crust added as it pertains to plate boundaries?

on the top of the crust, so it can be absorbed into the crust.

What plate boundaries are where the crust forms?

new crust forms at divergint bounderies where plates move apart magma oozes up and cools down and creates new crust and the old crust moves away and sucks in the earth

At what type of plate boundary is new ocean crust formed?

Older material

What type of plate boundary does not create or destroy crust?

Transform Boundaries don't destroy or create new crust(:

What are the 4 plate boundries?

Divergent boundaries -- where new crust is generated as the plates pull away from each other.Convergent boundaries -- where crust is destroyed as one plate dives under another.Transform boundaries -- where crust is neither produced nor destroyed as the plates slide horizontally past each other.Plate boundary zones -- broad belts in which boundaries are not well defined and the effects of plate interaction are unclear.

Why are most volcanoes located near a fault?

Most volcanoes form at either convergent or divergent plate boundaries. Volcanoes at convergent plate boundaries form when one plate slides under another, taking seawater with it. This causes the rock in the mantle to melt as the melting point drops. This new magma can rise to form volcanoes.At divergent plate boundaries the crust is thing, which lowers pressure on the mantle, causing some material to melt.

New crust forms what kind of new boundaries?

Divergent boundaries create new crust.

What boundary does new crust form at?

Divergent plate boundary.

Does new crust form at diverging tectonic plate?

Yes, of course.

Where on earth would you find a subduction zone?

You could find subduction zones in the depths of the oceans, at some plate boundaries. At this location, you would observe one tectonic plate (a plate of lower density then the other) being slipped under another plate into magma. These are also known as destructive boundaries, because crust is being destroyed, (as opposed to diverent boundaries where leaking magma creates new crust.)

Is crust being destroyed or created?

near ocean trenches.