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The melting point of ice actually DECREASES with an INCREASE in pressure.

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Q: When pressure on a piece ice is increased its melting point will be?
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How can the melting point of water be changed?

by adding impurities the melting point of ice can be increased.... and perhaps can water melt i think the right question suppose to be how can the melting point of ice be changed?

Why does most of the rock in the asthenosphere remain solid?

The rock in the asthenosphere is under immense pressure from the overlying rock. Increased pressure raises the melting point of most substances.

What will be the melting point ice if it is kept under high pressure?

The melting point is not changed by pressure. It is still over 32O

Is the temperature of the outer core higher OR lower than its melting point?

The outer core is liquid. Its pressure is low enough and its temperature high enough for it to melt. The inner core is solid. Both its pressure and temperature are higher than the outer core, but the increased pressure overwhelms the increased temperature, keeping the inner core from melting.

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Boiling point is most affected by pressure. Note that freezing point and melting point are in fact the same.

What is high melting point?

The melting point of a solid is the temperature at which it changes STATE from SOLID to LIQUID. At the melting point the solid and liquid phase exist in equilibrium. The melting point of a substance depends (usually slightly) on pressure and is usually specified at STANDARDatmospheric pressure.

Can you liquefy a rock?

Yes. Rock can be liquified by raising its temperature to that of the melting point of the mineral constituent with the highest melting point.

What happens to the melting point of plagioclase feldspar when it is pushed further into the earth?

the melting point decreases as pressure increases, so the further into the earth feldspar is pushed, the higher the pressure and the lover the melting point

Effects of impurities and pressure on melting point of water?

melting point decreases with pressure and increases with impurities (like saw dust). boiling point increases with impurities and also increases with pressure.

What is the melting point of chocolate under a pressure of 8 kPa?

The melting point of chocolate is 25"C

Does melting point depend on atmospheric pressure?

yes of course melting point depends on atmospheric pressure along with type of bonding between the molecule.

What is the effect of change in pressure in melting point?

Putting a substance under pressure increases its melting point because substances expand as they melt. Putting them under pressure makes it harder for them to expand, which means that they require more energy (heat) in order to transition from a solid state to a liquid state. If a substance is under pressure, decreasing the pressure will lower its melting point.