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this chemical reaction was used in the first nuclear bombs. it generates immense amount of positive ions.

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Q: When sodium Na and chlorine Cl combine Na gives up one electron to fill Cls outer level The result is?
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A chlorine atom will steal an electron from a sodium atom. The result is called an between the sodium and chlorine ions. this forms sodium chloride known as salt?

ionic bond

When sodium and chlorine atoms combine what happens to the electrons?

The sodium atom, Na, is ionized, giving it's electron to the chlorine, Cl. Therefore, one electron is transferred from the sodium to the chlorine, forming Na+ and Cl- ions and an ionic bond.

Sodium and chlorine can bond together Sodium gives chlorine a needed electron What is chlorine's charge after accepting the electron?


Sodium and chlorine can bond together. Sodium gives chlorine a needed electron. What is chlorine's charge after accepting the electron?


How does sodium atom and a chloride atom combine?

A sodium atom has one electron outside a closed shell, and a chlorine atom lacks one electron to fill a shell. A sodium chloride molecule forms by ionic bonding, the ionization of sodium and chlorine atoms and the attraction of the resulting positive and negative ions.

Is chlorine and sodium an ionic?

Chlorine and sodium combine to produce the ionic compound sodium chloride.

How does a sodium atom combine with a chlorine atom?

The sodium atom loses its valence electron to the chlorine atom forming a positive sodium ion and a negative chloride ion. The two are attracted to each other because of their opposite charges.

What happens in the combination of sodium and chlorine to yield table salt?

A sodium atom has one valance electron which it donates to a chlorine atom which has seven valance electrons; as a result of this electron exchange, both the sodium and the chlorine will then have complete outer electron shells, and they also will both become electrically charged ions which will attract each other.

Sodium and chlorine can bond together Sodium gives chlorine a needed electron What is chlorines charge after accepting the electron?


How are sodium and chlorine ions different from salt molecules?

A sodium ion is a sodium atom missing one electron. A chlorine ion is a chlorine atom with an extra electron. A salt molecule is a sodium ion stuck to a chlorine ion.

When sodium and chlorine combine what happens to the electrons?

Chlorine gains electrons and sodium lose electrons

How many electron are transferred in the ionic bond between sodium and chlorine NaCl?

Only one, from sodium to chlorine.