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When humidity is high there is lot of moisture which means a high dew point. When the temeprature drops to the dew point at night or early morning then the air can no longer hold the moisture and it condenses and forms fog.

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Q: When the humidity is high and the temperature is lowfog often formsWhy?
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As temperature decreases, relative humidity increases.** Related Information:This is why a cold front often causes precipitation as it moves through an area.

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High humidity means atmospheric air is saturated with more water vapour at a given temperature. Low humidity means less amount of water vapour in atmospheric air at a given temperature.

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The relative humidity of chaparral can vary depending on factors such as temperature and time of day. Generally, chaparral regions have relatively low humidity, often ranging between 20% to 60%. However, during cooler or more humid periods such as mornings or after rainfall, the relative humidity can be higher.

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I think it has something to do with maintaing the temperature in the home. Ventilation. Also, it prevents humidity from destroying the interior of walls.

When the humidity is high and the temperature is low fog often forms why?

When humid air near the ground cools below it's dew point, Fog is formed.

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Because it depends on the temperature, humidity, pressure and density of the air. These have often been known to change during the course of the day.

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The air is saturated, and has reached its dew point temperature.The dew point.

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Will rain decrease humidity?

No. Rain itself increases humidity. However, in temperate latitudes rain often comes before a cold front, which can decrease humidity.

Which weather change usually occurs when the difference between the air temperature and the dew point temperature is decreasing?

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How can you use a relative humidity?

A psychometric chart is a graph of the thermodynamic parameters of moist air at a constant pressure, often equated to an elevation relative to sea level. The chart is normally set at dry bulb temperature, wet bulb, dew point, relative humidity, humidity ratio, specific enthalpy. Read on a horizontal vs diagonal intersection.