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south america

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Q: Where are major tropical rain forests located?
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Related questions

What countries are the tropical rain forests located?

The country in the Tropical Rain Forest is South America.

Is a tropical rainforest located in Austria?

Austria has no tropical rain forests but Australia does.

Where are tropical rain forests located?

South America, Indonesia,

How many Tropical Rain forests are in Minnesota?

There are no tropical rain forests in Minnesota.

Why are tropical rain forests located near the the equator?

The climate is suitable

What are three major threats to the rain forests?

NATURAL FORCES, FIRE and TROPICAL STORMS (but there are many other threats to the rain forests)

How does rainfall differ between tropical rain forests and tropical seasonal forests?

tropical seasonal forests have wet season and dry season and tropical rain forests have lots of rainfall through out the year

Do squirrel monkeys live in tropical rain forests?

Squirrel monkeys can live in tropical rain forests.

Do white tigers live in the tropical rain forests?

No, white tigers do not live in tropical rain forests.

Does Washington state have a tropical rainforest?

No, there are no tropical rain forests in Washington State. There are, however, temperate rain forests on the Olympic Peninsula. These rain forests are cooler in temperature than the tropical forests and house different species.

Africa's rain forests are located on either side of the?

tropical savanna and temperate grassland

Why should you not protect the tropical rainforest?

You should not protect tropical rain forests because why do we need rain forests.