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The youngest rock found in the ocean ridge is called a hot rocks. They are formed when oceanic plates diverge are separate from each other.

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Q: Where are the yougest rocks found at the ocean ridge?
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Is the Rock found at mid ocean ridge old or young?

yes young rocks are found at mid ocean ridges not old rocks.

The youngest rocks on the ocean floor are located?

The youngest part of the ocean floor is found at conservative plate boundaries where oceanic crust is pulled apart and magma rises from the mantle to form new oceanic crust.

Where are the youngest rocks on the ocean floor typically found?

fault line

Where are the youngest rocks found on the seafloor?

Near fault lines, it is there that rocks are created by the rubbing or colliding of the tectonic plates. Rocks could also be made by volcanoes via the cooling of magma and lava. The closer to the fault line you are the newer the rock and the farther away you get the older the rock becomes.

Do rocks spread away from the mid ocean ridge?


Magnetic alignment of rocks in mid-ocean ridge?


Where are the oldest rocks in the ocean crust?

The oldest rocks are actually on land but in the ocean crust they would be the rocks closest to land. The mid-ocean ridge forms new rocks. They are usually located in the middle of the ocean.

Where are the youngest rocks in the Atlantic ocean?

At the mid-atlantic ridge, where the ocean floor is spreading.

How do rocks along the central valley of the mid ocean ridge provide evidence for sea floor spreading?

because the scientists found that the farther the rocks the older the rocks were. so the youngest rocks were found near the mid-ocean ridge. this showed that sea-floor spreading took place. +++ The primary evidence is "magnetic striping": remnant magnetising by the Earth's magnetic field of the iron compounds in the basalt forming the ocean floor. The magnetic traces are parallel to the spreading-ridges, and their polarity reflect the field's periodic reversal. The further from the ridge, the older the stripes. The rock is imprinted with the magnetism as it cools below a certain point in being eruped along the ridge.

How did scientists discover that rocks farther away from the mid ocean ridge were older than the ones closer to the mid ocean ridge?

I don't believe that is possible to figure out

What would you expect to find if you measured the temperatures of rocks on the ocean floor at various distances from a mid-ocean ridge?

If one was measuring the temperatures of rocks on the seafloor, the hottest rocks would be located nearest to a mid ocean ridge. This is the location where the hot magma from the asthenosphere rises and is situated on either side of the ridge. The farther away the seafloor is from the central area of heat, the colder it is. This pattern is identical on both sides of a mid ocean ridge. However, if rocks are located near subduction zones or hot spots, they too would be hotter than the majority of the seafloor.

What are the rocks close to a mid ocean ridge younger than the ones that are farther away?
