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Primarily from Africa, where much of the low level mining is done by slave labour, captured in raids. Many of these people are killed, and their blood stains the river.

Many of these slavery campaigns have their origin in inter-tribal fighting, and these wars are financed by the sale of these diamonds.

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Q: Where do blood diamonds come from?
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What country do blood diamonds come from?

blood diamonds come from siera leon

Where did blood diamonds come from?

Blood diamonds are diamonds found in the earth -- where all diamonds are found -- but are mined under threat of death and dismemberment. Blood diamonds are traded by terrorists and rebel groups to fund mayhem against humans.

What countries support blood diamonds?

Blood diamonds mainly come from Africa, but are also traded in Liberia, Angola, and Sierra Leone. I will add a link to the full article about blood diamonds.

Where are most of the blood diamonds mined?

Blood diamonds come from unstable countries with diamonds in the soil. Notable countries include many countries in West and Central Africa.

Who does blood diamonds effect?

Blood diamonds mainly affect the people of Africa. The diamonds are used to fund wars and terrorism. Millions of deaths are linked to the blood diamonds.

What is the duration of Blood Diamonds?

The duration of Blood Diamonds is 1.67 hours.

What is the cause of blood diamonds?

Terrorism is the main cause of blood diamonds. Blood diamonds are illegally sold to fund terrorism and wars. I have added a link to a complete article about blood diamonds which has more information.

Which countries do blood diamonds come from?

Angola, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Liberia, and Sierra Leone

Why did blood blood diamonds happen?

Blood diamonds are diamonds sold to fund wars. The full article is attached as a resource which has more information.

Where do blood diamonds go to?

65 percent of the world's diamonds come from Africa which is where the issue of blood diamonds is the biggest concern. In the past these diamonds could end up anywhere and no one would know any better. Recently there have been checks and balances put in place to stop the majority of blood diamonds from leaving Africa. Africa, Liberia, Angola, and Sierra Leone are places that blood diamonds are traded for arms or used to fund wars and terrorism.

How many blood diamonds do the US buy?

The United States is not in the business of buying diamonds, blood diamonds, or otherwise.

Are blood diamonds and conflict diamonds the same thing?

Yes blood diamonds and conflict diamonds are the same thing. They can also be called converted diamonds, war diamonds or hot diamonds. Hopefully this answered your question.