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on the north and south poles

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Q: Where does freezing rain occur on the earth?
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What temp does freezing rain occur?

Freezing rain occurs when the temputer ins below freezing

What term describe rain that freeze when it hit the earth surface?

Freezing rain Sleet

How is rain freezing?

when the temperature on earth surface is very less or the earth is covered with a thick layer of ice then the rain will be freezing as ice.

What is a precipatation that freezing on its way o earth?

Freezing precipitation is called sleet or freezing rain.

Which form of precipitation is likely to occur when a layer of air with temperature above freezing overlies a subfreezing layer near the ground?

freezing rain. hail is caused by gusts of air repeatedly blowing precipitation back into the atmosphere, where it acquires a new layer of H2O. so in this case it is not likely to occur.

Temperature below freezing means snow?

Snow does occur when temperature is below freezing because snow is just frozen rain . Lets say it rains , and the temperature is below freezing , that rain would become snow . So temperature below freezing means having snow is true .

How does water naturally occur on earth?

Water naturally occurs on earth from rain.

Why does rainfall occur in India during winter?

Rain occurs when water is evaporated in the sky and the clouds can not contain anymore water. When it is below freezing temperature it is snow, but when it is above freezing temperature it is rain. In India it is hot in winter and summer. So it will rain instead of snow.

How does it change for snowfall or freezing rain?

When it gets above freezing when it rains then it gets below freezing it causes freezing rain.

What are two agents of physical weathering that might occur in the mountains in northern Montana?


What was the first year there was freezing rain in us?

There has always been freezing rain.

How is rain different from freezing rain?

Freezing rain is composed of super-cooled waterwhich freezes on contact with any freezing surface, forming glaze ice.Ordinary rain has a temperature above freezing and will not instantly turn to ice.