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Q: Which atoms has the greatest attraction for electrons A. Carbon B. Fluorine C. Iodine D. Oxygen?
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Which element will attract electrons more strongly fluorine or carbon?

Fluorine is assinged the oxidation number of -1 because it attracts the electrons in the bond more strongly than the carbon does.

What element attracts the most electrons?

FLourine is the most electronegative element so it likes to grab the electrons from other elements when it is in compounds. If you are comparing two different elements the periodic trend for strong electrnegativity tends to go to the right and up. The trend for the weakest electronegativity goes to the left and down on the periodic table so you could say that Francium is the least electronegative.

Is carbons anion bigger than fluorine?

The carbon anion, or carbanion, has a lone pair of unbound electrons that give the carbon ion a negative charge....thus being an anion. Being that electrons do not add to the molecular weight of the ion, carbanion would still have a molecular weight of 12 and fluorine of 19. This is assuming that you are referring to the normal isotopes of carbon and fluorine.

Is fluorine paramagnetic or diamagnetic?

yes, the number of electrons in the outermost shell of the carbon atom is filled with electrons, leaving no electrons unpaired and therefore making it diamagnetic.

Is an ionic compound likely to form between fluorine and carbon?

Assuming that "flourine" is intended to be "fluorine", the answer is no. Both carbon and fluorine are unlikely to be electron donors and therefore form a covalent bond instead, so that both of these non metals can share electrons.

What element has the greatest electronegativity?

Fluorine... by far. Its so electronegative that it will never form double bonds, even if they would make sense by the octet rule. BF3 is a really good example of this

Most polar bond carbon to fluorine carbon to nitrogen carbon to oxygen or carbon to hydrogen?

Carbon to fluorine.

What atoms have seven electrons in their outermost energy levels?

All halogens (fluorine, chlorine, bromine, iodine and astatine) have 7 valence electrons.

Which one has a greater atomic mass fluorine or carbon?


Which element has the greatest electronegativity N P As?

The electronegativity of carbon on the Pauling scale is 2,55.

What elements does chlorofluorocarbon cfc refrigerants contain?

The Elements Chlorine Fluorine Carbon

Is a ionic compound likely to form between fluorine and carbon?

Carbon forms covalent bonds with fluorine.