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manganese dioxide

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Q: Which enzyme assists in the breakdown of hydrogen peroxide?
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Which enzyme is responsible to the breakdown of hydrogen peroxide?

Manganese oxide is a catalyst which speeds up the decomposition of hydrogen peroxide.

What enzyme filled sac is found in the liver and produces hydrogen peroxide?

Catalase, however it does not produce hydrogen peroxide but rather catalyzes the breakdown of hydrogen peroxide into water and oxygen gas.

Does the human liver break down more hydrogen peroxide in the summer or winter?

The enzyme catalase breaks down hydrogen peroxide in the liver. Seasons do not generally affect the amount of hydrogen peroxide breakdown, because humans regulate their body temperature.

What is the purpose of a enzyme catalase in a living cell?

2H2O2 --> 2H2O + O2Catalyzing this reaction. The breakdown of hydrogen peroxide into water and oxygen gas.

What is hydrogen peroxidase?

It is an enzyme that breaks down Hydrogen Peroxide.

What happen when a raw potato is mixed with hydrogen peroxide?

The enzyme is catalase. It can exist without adding hydrogen peroxide. The hydrogen peroxide simply activates the enzyme.

Hydrogen is a substrate of the enzyme catalase?


What hydrogen is a substance of the enzyme catalase?


What is the substrate of catalase?

A substrate is a substance in which an enzyme reacts. The substrate for catalase would be hydrogen peroxide otherwise known as H2O2.

Hydrogen peroxide is part of what enzyme system?

Catalases are enzymes that catalyse the conversion of hydrogen peroxide to water.

What is peroxidase?

It is an enzyme that breaks down Hydrogen Peroxide.

Mix hydrogen peroxide and liver?

The enzyme in the liver (catalase) decomposes the hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) into water and oxygen molecules.