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1mo ago

Rhyolite is an igneous rock. Limestone, slate, and shale are sedimentary rocks.

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Q: Which is an igenous rock limestone rhyolite slate or shale?
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What is the name for the rock hornfels?

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What is the original name for the rock hornfels?

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What geologic processes transform sandstone into quartzite quartzite into magma and magma into rhyolite?

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What are some examples of a fine grained rock?

Chert, mudstone, shale, slate, precipitated limestone.

Which rocks are metamorphic rocks?

Marble (metamorphosed limestone) Slate (metamorphosed shale) Gneiss (metamorphosed granite)

What is similarities between shale and slate?

Slate and shale have the same make-up. Slate is formed from sedimentary shale by pressure and heat. Wet shale has the same smell that wet slate has.

What rock is slate but in the past it was shale?

Shale is a sedimentaory rock, while Slate is a metamorphic rock. Generally the shale is metamorphosed into slate.

Is slate harder than shale?

Yes, slate is harder than shale. Slate is a fine-grained, foliated metamorphic rock that has undergone more intense heat and pressure than shale, a fine-grained sedimentary rock. As a result, slate is more durable and resistant to erosion compared to shale.

What is the common rock for finding fossils?

Any sedimentary rock, including limestone, shale, sandstone, mudstone, ironstone, and slate.

What type of rock are you likely to find a fosil in?

Limestone mostly, sometimes in shale and coal.

Why can't limestone turn into slate?

Limestone and slate are different types of rocks formed from different processes. Limestone is primarily composed of calcium carbonate, while slate is formed from the metamorphism of shale. The transformation of limestone into slate would require significant heat and pressure to change its composition and texture, which is not a common geological process.

Was slate once shale?

Slate is derived from it's parent rock, which is shale. Slate is a metamorphic rock that is composed of microcrystals.