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Examples are: PbO, PbNO3, PbCl, PbS, etc.

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Q: Which of the following compounds contains the lead(II) ion?
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How are polyatomic ions named in ionic compounds?

If the compound contains a polyatomic ion, simply name the ion.

Which one of the following compounds contains an ion with a 3 charge?

No, it doesnot as Potassium has only one positive charge.

The formula of the compound leadII sulfate?

Pb2+ <-- lead ion SO4 2- <-- sulfate ion. Putting them together would create: PbSO4.

Does sodium form a negative ion in its ionic compounds?

No: sodium forms a positive ion in its ionic compounds.

What are sulphate compounds?

Sulphate compounds are compounds that contain the sulfate ion, SO42-.

What is an ion that is common to two or more ionic compounds?

common ion.

What are ionic compounds between?

Ionic compounds are between a metal ion and a non-metal ion otherwise known as a cation and anion.

What is the ionic charge of an ion with 21 protons?

If the ion contains only one atom, it is an atom of scandium, for which the most common oxidation state in compounds is +3. However, in gas phase, +2 and +1 are also possible.

All acids are hydrogen compounds but all hydrogen compounds are not acids?

This is true. Generally an acid is considered a substance that releases a hydrogen ion (H+) in solution or gives one up to another molecule or ion. However, not all hydrogen compounds will release a hydrogen ion. Hydrocarbons (such as methane, CH4 and benzene, C6H6), compounds of carbon and hydrogen, are generally not considered acidic. Some hydrogen compounds are basic, meaning that they produce hydroxide ions (OH-) in water or accept a hydrogen ion from another compound. Examples of basic include ammonia (NH3), potassium hydroxide (KOH), and sodium hydride (NaH). Sodium hydride actually contains the hydride ion (H-), which is highly basic.

Why is Hg2O2 called Mercury peroxide and not Mercury dioxide?

Mercury peroxide contains a distinct peroxide ion, with the formula O2-2. An oxide ion, in contrast, has a single oxygen atom but also has a charge of -2. The term dioxide, with ionic compounds, is reserved for compounds containing two oxide ions per molecule.