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Unregulated rates of harvesting resources

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Jenico Jacklick

Lvl 7
3y ago
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Koda Ina vibe

Lvl 1
2y ago
Wrong! It was focus on steady harvesting of abundant resources
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Lvl 3
3y ago

Use of technology to speed harvesting resources

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1mo ago

Excessive consumption and production of single-use plastics has a significant potential to harm the environment. The improper disposal of plastics leads to pollution of oceans, harm to marine life, and can take hundreds of years to degrade.

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How can human behaviours harm the environment?

Human behaviors can harm the environment in various ways, such as through overconsumption of resources leading to depletion, pollution from industrial activities and waste disposal, deforestation, habitat destruction for urban development, and carbon emissions contributing to climate change. Mismanagement of natural resources, unsustainable agricultural practices, and overfishing also impact the environment negatively.

Do human being have greatest effect on physical environment or the biotic environment of organisms?

Human beings have a greater impact on the physical environment due to activities such as deforestation, pollution, and habitat destruction. While human activities can also affect the biotic environment by disrupting ecosystems and causing extinctions, the physical environment tends to show more visible and widespread consequences of human influence.

What is a sentence for human environment?

The human environment varies widely in different countries.A social scientist might call a person's home the individual's "human environment".Humans interact with and affect the human environment no matter where they live.

Which activities illustrate human control of the environment?

Activities such as agriculture, urban planning, and mining demonstrate human control of the environment. These activities involve manipulating the natural environment for human benefit, shaping landscapes, and resources based on human needs and desires.

Does the environment principally belong to human race?

No, the environment does not solely belong to the human race. It is a shared resource that is essential for all living beings and ecosystems on Earth. As stewards of the environment, humans have a responsibility to protect and preserve it for the benefit of all species.

Related questions

What human behaviors has the greatest potential to harm the environment?

Because we are selfish and care more about money than the planet we live in.

Anything that harms the environment?

Human activity is the greatest harm to the environment. Human activities such as driving cars and industrial production are harmful to the environment.

What human behaviors would have the greatest effect on a population of insects that live in a small forest?


Which sciences use environmental education to make people understand their behavior in the environment?

The environmental science is likely Economics.Because the definition of economics essentially deals with human behaviors in tier environment.

What is the definition of human environment adoptation?

Human environment adaptation refers to the process by which people adjust to and modify their surrounding environment in order to meet their needs and desires. This can include physical changes to the environment, as well as changes to social practices and behaviors.

How would you use human environment in a sentence?

Researchers studied the human environment interaction in how human beings sought food, traded with other peoples, and migrated to new areas. The human environment interaction is a geography term which relates to 5 major themes that describe how humans interact in positive and negative ways with the environment, and describes how normal human behaviors and needs demand these interactions.

What is a sentence human-environment interaction?

Researchers studied the human environment interaction in how human beings sought food, traded with other peoples, and migrated to new areas. The human environment interaction is a geography term which relates to 5 major themes that describe how humans interact in positive and negative ways with the environment, and describes how normal human behaviors and needs demand these interactions.

The greatest threat to man's existence caused by human changes to the environment is?

The greatest threat to man's existence caused by human changes to the environment would be deforestation. This is because it releases carbon dioxide into the air, decreases oxygen, and kills organisms.

How can human behaviours harm the environment?

Human behaviors can harm the environment in various ways, such as through overconsumption of resources leading to depletion, pollution from industrial activities and waste disposal, deforestation, habitat destruction for urban development, and carbon emissions contributing to climate change. Mismanagement of natural resources, unsustainable agricultural practices, and overfishing also impact the environment negatively.

What in human behavior?

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What is any unwanted by products remaining in the environment and posing a potential hazard to human health or life?

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What human activity has had the greatest impact on increasing mercury levels?

The operation of coal fired power plants has the greatest impact on increasing mercury levels in the environment.