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sea breeze

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Q: Which of these would form from cool air moving off of an ocean and on to dry land?
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How do warm and cool ocean currents form?


Which ocean did hurricane sandy form on?

Sandy formed in the Atlantic Ocean and gained strength moving North across the Caribbean Sea.

What happens to lava when it enters the ocean?

On contact with water lava will cool rapidly to form rock.

As rivers flow into the ocean and deposit thick layers of sediment on the ocean floor what will the crust under the sediment do?

the crust will cool to form metamorphic rock

What causes small waves ripples to form on the ocean?

Ripples are formed by a friction of moving air and water.

Location in ocean basin where new ocean floor is formed?

This sounds like the mid ocean ridge. This is where the plates are moving apart and magma wells up to form new rock.

How do the mantle's convection currents move to form a mid-ocean ridge?

The mantle's convection currents move in the mantle in the form of magma which creates the mid-ocean ridge. Mid-ocean ridges are found in every ocean in the world and when the currents erupt as lava the eventually cool and create a crust.

Halite and calcite form by precipitation Where would they most likely form?

At the bottom of the sea or ocean

Will making ocean water from hot to cold prevent a hurricane?

A hurricane will not form over cold ocean water, that is why hurricanes rarely form in the winter; the ocean is usually too cold. However, you cannot simply cool ocean water like that. The amount of energy stored in the water making it warm is enormous, to great for us to ever hope to manipulate.

Why do you use engine to keep the car moving?

With no engine or form of another form of propulsion the car would not move.

What is a moving mass of water called?

A Front ; see related link below .

What is warm air moves from the beach toward the ocean?

Warm air moves from a beach toward the ocean by convection.