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normal name: blue-green algae scientific name: cyanobacteria

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Q: Which organisms fix nitrogen in aquatic ecosystems?
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How do colonies of cyanobacteria harm aquatic organisma?

Some cyanobacteria fix nitrogen from atmosphere.

Where do bacteria fix nitrogen gas?

Bacteria fix nitrogen by taking the nitrogen in the air and turning it into a type of nitrogen that can be used by other organisms. This usually occurs in the form of ammonium.


have a mutually beneficial relationship with plants -> Organisms fix nitrogen that is used for a nutrient source for the plant

How do water plants obtain nitrogen if it is insoluble in water?

Marine ecosystems: Nitrogen is fixed in the photic zone by cyanobacteria who acquire it from the atmosphere (it isn't completely insoluble). The fixed Nitrogen can enter the water as Ammonia or Urea (which is soluble) and rains down to the deeper parts of the Ocean as detritus. Large Brown and Green algae, sea grasses and other plants of the ocean acquire Nitrogen from the Ammonia or Urea dissolved in the water, while organisms in the lower zones of the Ocean can filter feed Nitrogen from the detritus (these organisms are a part of the Nitrogen cycle, but are not plants obviously). Otherwise, algae typically grow to have a significant part of their bodies reach the surface, where they can fix Nitrogen directly. Aquatic: Either from ammonia released by bacteria, from bacteria living in the anaerobic 'soil' beneath the water or by growing to the surface and directly fixing the Nitrogen there. Source: Castro, Huber, Marine Biology 7e, McGraw Hill.

A certain essential element is not usable to organisms in its free state special bacteria can fix it into a form that is usable the element is?


Why do all organisms need nitrogen?

Nitrogen is the critical component of amino acids, which are the building blocks of protein. Since all organisms need protein for their cellular structure, no organism, that we know of, can exist without some nitrogen. There are different modes of acquiring nitrogen, however. The legumes, such as beans, are plants that can "fix" atmospheric nitrogen into amino acids, and thus do not need to acquire it from other organisms, like we do. There are also some bacteria that are capable of fixing nitrogen.

What is the ISBN of The Nitrogen Fix?

The ISBN of The Nitrogen Fix is 0-441-58117-X.

How many pages does The Nitrogen Fix have?

The Nitrogen Fix has 289 pages.

When was The Nitrogen Fix created?

The Nitrogen Fix was created in 1980-09.

Why organism need nitrogen?

Nitrogen is the critical component of amino acids, which are the building blocks of protein. Since all organisms need protein for their cellular structure, no organism, that we know of, can exist without some nitrogen. There are different modes of acquiring nitrogen, however. The legumes, such as beans, are plants that can "fix" atmospheric nitrogen into amino acids, and thus do not need to acquire it from other organisms, like we do. There are also some bacteria that are capable of fixing nitrogen.

Why do organism needs nitrogen?

Nitrogen is the critical component of amino acids, which are the building blocks of protein. Since all organisms need protein for their cellular structure, no organism, that we know of, can exist without some nitrogen. There are different modes of acquiring nitrogen, however. The legumes, such as beans, are plants that can "fix" atmospheric nitrogen into amino acids, and thus do not need to acquire it from other organisms, like we do. There are also some bacteria that are capable of fixing nitrogen.

What do nitrogen fixing bacteria use to split molecules of nitrogen gas and combine the nitrogen atoms with hydrogen?

Nitrogenase enzyme is used by nitrogen fixing bacteria to split molecules of nitrogen gas and combine the nitrogen atoms with hydrogen.Nitrogenase is the enzyme used by some organisms to fix atmospheric nitrogen gas (N2). It is the only known family of enzymes which accomplishes this process