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In pure water there is an equilibrium

H2O <-> H+aq+ OH-

The H+ ion is actually not free but is bound to water molecules, hence the symbol aq next to it in the equation above. For example a common species is OH3+

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In pure, liquid water, there's H+ and -OH.

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11y ago

Water actually can dissociate itself, a process known as self-ionization:

2 H2O <---> H3O+ + OH-

This is why water registers a pH of 7 (7=Neutral)

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10y ago

Water molecules will ionize into H+ and OH- ions. In every mole (6.02 x 1023) of water molecules, approximately 1 x 10-7-th of those water molecules will ionize like that.

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1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 for you