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Alfred Wegner started the discussion with his theory of continental drift which was later proven and merged into the science of plate tectonics.

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Q: Who were the scientists that put this theory of plate tectonics together?
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Related questions

Why is plate tectonics theory thought to be a unifying theory?

Plate tectonics is considered to be a unifying theory because a consensus finds it to be true. Most scientists believe the plate tectonics cause volcanoes and earthquakes.

What do scientists called the theory that describes the motion of the plates?

Plate Tectonics

What other scientists except for geologist find the theory of plate tectonics in their work?

Geophysicists, Seismologists, Geomorphologists and Palaeontologists are some examples of scientists who's work involves or is affected by the theory of plate tectonics.

When was the plate tectonics theory accepted?

it wasnt accepted. Wegener's theory of continetal drift wasnt accepted. the theory of plate tectonics was created when scientists discovered about sea floor spreading and magnetic reversals. but i dont know when the theory of plate tectonics was created. so you can ask about that.

What do scientists believe is the force behind plate tectonics theory?

gravity slab pull

Which theory describes the motion of earth's crust on its mantle?

plate tectonics=D

What theory states that plates move around on the athenosphere?

the crust cracks and magma fills in the space

What was the effect of scientists discovery of ocean floor spreading?

The theory of plate tectonics was supported greatly.

How do scientists explain the arrangement of continents today?

By using the theory of plate tectonics and continental drift.

What did the theory of plate tectonics replace?

The theory of plate tectonics replaced the theory of sea floor spreading.

Why do otherwise good scientists ignore the plate tectonics theory despite the evidence that exists for it?

When the theory of plate tectonics was first published in the early 1900s, it was dismissed by main stream scientists as being ridiculous - because many if not most of those scientists believed in the "steady state" of the Earth theory - things don't change or change very little. Today, the theory of plate tectonics has been supported by scientific study and discovery, beginning in the 1950s - and the vast majority of scientists today believe in it.

Why did other scientists question the theory of plate tectonics?

At the time when this theory was a-brewing, it was difficult to provide conclusive data and evidence.