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because tectonic plates actively move and shift along faults

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Q: Why are faults sometimes referred to as active boundaries?
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Related questions

What are the three types of fault lines?

There are three types of fault lines in the crust. There are divergent boundaries, convergent boundaries, and transform boundaries.

Where do most present day faults occur?

Most present-day faults occur along boundaries. The three types of geologic boundaries are transform boundaries, divergent boundaries and convergent boundaries.

Where do the majority faults occur?

The majority of faults occur in the plate boundaries.

Where do majority of faults occurs?

The majority of faults occur in the plate boundaries.

Why are strik-slip faults common at transform boundaries?

They are common at transform boundaries because strike-slip faults move up and down like transform boundaries.

Are all faults located on tectonic plate boundaries?

No. Many faults, especially minor ones, are located far from plate boundaries.

Do earthquakes mostly occur at faults that are away from plate boundaries?

False. Earthquakes mostly occur along faults that are at or very near to plate boundaries.

Why do most earthquakesoccur at plate boundaries?

Because most plates boundaries are also faults

Why do faults often occur near near plate boundaries?

Faults occur near plate boundaries because the earth is weaker there... The magma under the Earth's crust makes the plates move very slowly and sometimes two plates can crash into each other causing the ground to shake.

Where do most transform faults occur?

Most present-day faults occur along boundaries. The three types of geologic boundaries are transform boundaries, divergent boundaries and convergent boundaries.

Which kind of boundary is seen in earthquakes that are normal faults?

Transform boundaries are seen in earthquakes that are caused by normal faults. Some types of faults are listric or ring faults.

How many faults does the US have?

OK!over 99 active faults!