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There are laws for solids and liquids, too. For instance solids have a coeffient of linear expansion and liquids (and gasses) have a viscosity. Many others.

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Q: Why are there laws only for gases and not for solids or liquids?
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How hard are gases?

"Hardness" is only defined for solids - not for liquids or gases.

Has no definite shape solid liquid or gas?

Only solids have a definite shape. Neither liquids nor gases have a definite shape.Only solids have a definite shape. Neither liquids nor gases have a definite shape.Only solids have a definite shape. Neither liquids nor gases have a definite shape.Only solids have a definite shape. Neither liquids nor gases have a definite shape.

What are facts about liquids solids and gases?

Five facts: 1. When liquids cool down, they become solids. 2. When gases cool down, they become liquids. 3. When solids heat up, they become liquids. 4. When liquids heat up, they become gases. 5. Some liquids will only freeze in temperatures that can never be recreated by humans.

Why do you deal electronics only with solids not with liquids and gases?

because liquids and gasses don't conduct electricity

What are some examples of how gases are different from liquids and solids?

I can only tell you that gases are does not have a difinite shape and volume . E.g air / nitrogen / carbon dioxide / water vapour / . . .

Why can only solids vibrate but liquid and gases can't?

Liquids and gases can vibrate. In fact sound is the vibration of air molecules.

Are liquids and gases not materials?

Solids, liquids, and gases are all forms of materials. Only solids are used as building materials (although even then, one could argue, cement is poured in liquid form before it solidifies).

Does sound go through solids quicker than liquids or gases?

This will not answer the question; however sound does not travel thru solids, as sound waves travel only thru gases or air.

Can waves transfer energy through liquids and solids but not through gases or empty space?

Some waves can transfer energy only through liquids and solids, but not through gases or vacuum. Some waves, like sound waves, can transfer energy through gases, liquids and solids but not through vacuum. And some waves, notably electromagnetic waves, can transfer energy through vacuum as well as matter.

Can you compression a liquid why or why not?

Yes, you can compress gases, liquids, and solids. However, liquids and solids are MUCH less compressible than gases, and for many practical purposes you can consider them "incompressible". This means that a high pressure will only cause a very small change in volume.

Why solids have any number of free surfaces while liquids have only one upper free surfaces?

It is a characteristic of liquids and gases to assume the shapes of their containers while solids maintain their own shapes.

Can solids liquids and gases all can act as mediums for waves?

The P wave (primary wave).