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Your ears pop when air pressure changes. The pressure inside a tornado is much lower than its surroundings.

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Q: Why did your ears pop during a tornado?
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What happens to your body as you descend in water?

your ears pop your ears pop

What do you feel or touch during a tornado?

As the tornado approaches your ears will pop as the pressure drops. Even before significant damage occurs you may feel the walls of the building you are in shake from the force of the wind. If you are exposed to the wind, you will likely feel as if you are being sandblasted by dirt carried in the wind. You may feel impacts from larger objects, some of which may cause serious injury.

When do your ears pop in and out?

Ears "pop" when there is a change in pressure. It is the bodys way to prevent discomfort from pressure changes.

What is the use for chewing gum?

It's entertainment for your mouth. Also it can help you if you chew it when your ears pop during flight, and especially during descent.

Is chewing gum good for your ears?

No. If you can't get your ears to pop, eg during altitude changes when you are flying, then chewing gum can help your ears to pop and relieve pressure. Otherwise, chewing gum is in no way good or bad for your ears.

How do you know if your ears are blown out?

U hear a pop in ur ears.....

Can you pop your ears to hard?


Why do your ears pop during pregnancy?

Nasal congestion is common during pregnancy it is usually due to the mucus in your nose draining over the tubes that connect your ears to your throat. So, don't worry too much because its normal but if you feel quite uncomfortable though, you could see the doctor and find out if they can recommend something for that.

What happens if you are near a tornado?

During a tornado If you are in a house Go to the basement or take shelter in a small interior ground floor room such as a bathroom, closet or hallway. If you have no basement, protect yourself by taking shelter under a heavy table or desk. In all cases, stay away from windows, outside walls and doors.

Your ears have a lot of wax in them and you need to pop them?

by pop them i sujest you go see your local pharmisist or GP to get your ears cleaned and to get all the wax out

Do dog's ears pop on a plane?


Why do your ears pop when you work out?

preesure on your head