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It has to do with the type of cleavage the rock has. Some rocks have 2D cleavage so it breaks in paper like pieces.

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Q: Why do halite crystals always break into smaller crystals of the same shape?
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When a sample of halite is struck with a hammer it's tends to break apart in one of three directions this tendency is called of halite?


If a crystal cools rapidly it would be?

Not enough information. Some crystals will break if they cool rapidly, some crystals will not form correctly if the solution cools too quickly.

Do all minerals have cleavage?

Yes,Halite has cubic cleavage. This means it can break along planes in three directions.

Why do salt crystals break up when you add water?

they break up because the salt in it is dissolving gradually

How do you get white crystals on crash bandicoot xs?

Break all the crates in any level.

What is the meaning of lattice dissociation?

The ionic compounds exist as solid crystals or Lattice, when such compounds are added to water crystals break down into ions ,it is dissociation (breaking) of lattice.

Why water can break down salt crystals?

Because water is polar and can attract salt ions.

How rocks break to smaller pieces?

By weathering.

Explain how rock and mountains break apart?

Rocks and mountains break apart due to erosion or weathering. The rocks and mountains would break down into smaller and smaller pieces and fall away.

Why should Recrystallization cool slowly?

when something cools more slowly the crystals are larger. Therefore it is harder and less easy to break. Slowly grown crystals also are less prone to defects in their structure.

What is the usual result when the ocean break pebbles into smaller and smaller pieces?

Eventually sand is formed.

What happens when you break a magnet into smaller pieces?

You get a bunch of smaller magnets and you will still have north pole.