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I can't really say in detail .....but it is most likely that its because there is a default in that area in California ..there are several defaults there and thousands of earthquakes occur each day there. BECAUSE its a active earthquake zone." :D Earthquakes also occur in Alaska and also; off the coast of Mexico....

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Strong earthquakes can occur in areas with many recent earthquakes because of the buildup of stress along tectonic plate boundaries. When one section of a fault releases stress through an earthquake, it can transfer stress to adjacent sections, increasing the likelihood of another earthquake. This chain reaction can result in a series of strong earthquakes in a relatively short period of time.

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Q: Why do strong earthquakes occur where there have been many recent earthquakes?
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How many earthquakes occur in Greece?

Greece sits on the border of two tectonic plates, the Eurasian and the African plate. The Eurasian plate is sliding under the African plate at a rate of around 3cm per year, which results in earthquakes. Since 1900, there have been 7,352 earthquakes in Greece.

How many earthquakes are there in one year?

On average there are 20,000 - 30,000 recorded earthquakes recorded worldwide per year according to the USGS. Only a portion of these are recorded because most occur over remote areas or in the ocean.On average only one of those earthquakes is 8 or higher each year.However, the USGS estimates that several million earthquakes occur in the world each year and go undetected because they hit remote areas or have very small magnitudes.

How many earthquakes has North Dakota had?

North Dakota typically experiences very few earthquakes compared to other geologically active states. It is considered a relatively stable region with a low seismic activity rate. However, there have been some minor earthquakes recorded in North Dakota in recent years.

Was there an earthquake yesterday in yuma AZ?

There were no reports of any earthquakes yesterday in Yuma, AZ. Earthquakes are not common in that region and are usually of low magnitude when they do occur. If you felt something, it could have been from a distant earthquake or some other source.

Do earthquakes occur on other planets?

Yes, earthquakes occur on other planets. For example, Mars experiences marsquakes, which are caused by the planet's tectonic activity and movement within its crust. Earthquakes have also been detected on the moon and Venus.

Related questions

How do you keep people safe when earthquakes occur?

A strong earthquake may be followed by weaker, but still potentially dangerous earthquakes called aftershocks. Aftershocks may be potentially more dangerous than other earthquakes of the same intensity because some buildings may have been weakened during the main shock.

Do earthquakes occur in Hong Kong?

Hong Kong regularly receives tremors and minor earthquakes (undetected by the public). As of date, Hong Kong has not been victim to a significant earthquake since the government began recording them.For a list of recent earthquakes, click on the "related link" below (times are based on Hong Kong local time).

Are there earthquakes in Cuba?

Yes, Cuba is located in a seismically active region known as the Caribbean Plate. Earthquakes can occur in Cuba, although they are not as frequent or severe as some other regions prone to seismic activity. The country's building codes have been updated in recent years to help mitigate earthquake damage.

Can an earthquake cause a tornado?

No, earthquakes and tornadoes are two separate natural phenomena caused by different processes. Earthquakes occur due to tectonic plate movements, while tornadoes are caused by strong thunderstorms and rotating air. The two events are not directly related to each other.

How many earthquakes occur in one minute?

The answer depends on the magnitude of the earthquake. Over the last 20 years there have been approx 4 million earthquakes annually which is equivalent to an average of 8 every minute. Earthquakes of magnitude 7 or greater occur, on average, 0.00003 times a minute.

How many earthquakes occur in Greece?

Greece sits on the border of two tectonic plates, the Eurasian and the African plate. The Eurasian plate is sliding under the African plate at a rate of around 3cm per year, which results in earthquakes. Since 1900, there have been 7,352 earthquakes in Greece.

Has there ever been an earthquake in Wisconsin?

There have been a few earthquakes felt in Minnesota, but many people have lived in the state their whole lives and never experienced an earthquake. The first earthquake was recorded in 1860. The largest earthquake was a Magnitude of 4.6 on July 8, 1975. The most recent earthquake in Minnesota was recorded on February 9, 1994.

How many earthquakes have there been this year in 2012?

According to the USGS National Earthquake Information Center, as of 27 November 2012 there were an estimated 16,667 earthquakes worldwide and 3,836 in the United States alone (not including earthquakes smaller than magnitude 4.5 outside the United States).However, the USGS estimates that several million earthquakes occur in the world each year and go undetected because they hit remote areas or have very small magnitudes.To see a list of more recent (or historic) earthquakes, visit the USGS Earthquake Hazards Program.

How many earthquakes are there in one year?

On average there are 20,000 - 30,000 recorded earthquakes recorded worldwide per year according to the USGS. Only a portion of these are recorded because most occur over remote areas or in the ocean.On average only one of those earthquakes is 8 or higher each year.However, the USGS estimates that several million earthquakes occur in the world each year and go undetected because they hit remote areas or have very small magnitudes.

How many earthquakes has their been?

their has been 6 earthquakes

Do volcanic eruptions cause earthquakes?

Not usually. Although earthquakes often occur before a volcanic eruption, they are not the cause. The earthquakes are the result of magma (molten rock) moving underground leading up to an eruption. A few volcanic eruptions are thought to have been triggered or initiated by earthquakes, but this is not the typical case.

About how many felt earthquakes per year in Oklahoma?

In recent years, Oklahoma has been experiencing hundreds of felt earthquakes per year. This increase in seismic activity has been linked to human activities such as wastewater injection from oil and gas operations.