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Water pipes tend to fracture or crack when an earthquake occurs rather than burst (something bursts when the pressure applied to it's internal surface gets to large and exceeds the strength of the material is is formed from - a bit like if you force to much air into a balloon).

Pipes tend to fracture because the seismic waves make the ground move up and down, backwards and forwards and side to side. This causes the pipe to be bent in differing directions as well as being squashed and stretched. These compression, shear tensile and torsion force will, if they are large enough, create stresses within the pipe wall that are large enough to break it, forming a crack.

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1mo ago

Water pipes can burst during earthquakes due to the ground shaking, which can cause the pipes to move and become misaligned or break from the stress. The shaking can also cause the surrounding soil to shift, putting pressure on the pipes and potentially causing them to rupture. Additionally, old or corroded pipes are more vulnerable to bursting during earthquakes.

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How can earthquakes cause pollution?

Earthquakes can cause pollution in several ways, such as by damaging industrial facilities or storage tanks, releasing hazardous materials into the environment. Oil spills or leaks from ruptured pipelines can contaminate soil and water sources. Additionally, the destruction of infrastructure can lead to increased emissions from fires or transportation of goods needed for recovery efforts, contributing to air pollution.

Why are streets often flooded after an earthquake?

Broken water pipes would be the main reason. In some cases tsunamis follow earthquakes in coastal regions as we have seen in Japan. water may rise from the earth and flood also

What advantage do flexible water pipes have over rigid pipes during an earthquake?

Flexible water pipes can better absorb and withstand the ground movements during an earthquake, reducing the risk of pipe breakage and water leaks. This flexibility helps prevent water damage and potential flooding, making them a safer option for seismic-prone areas.

Extreme temperatures freezing water and vegetation can all cause what?

Extreme temperatures can cause water to freeze and vegetation to suffer from frost damage. This can disrupt ecosystems, harm wildlife, and impact agriculture. It can also lead to infrastructure damage such as burst pipes or road hazards.

How can utilities be made safer to avoid damage during and after earthquakes?

Utilities can be made safer by reinforcing infrastructure, using flexible materials to accommodate movement, and installing automatic shut-off systems to prevent leaks or fires. Regular inspections and maintenance can also help identify and address potential vulnerabilities before they become a problem. Additionally, designing utilities to be resilient to seismic activity can help reduce damage and ensure faster recovery post-earthquake.

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Because of this anomalous expansion of water that water pipes sometimes burst during winter?

Anomalous expansion of water and bursting of water pipes during winter is because ice takes more space than water

Water pipes some times burst during severe wintres in cold countries?

water expands on freezing

Why the pipes broke during the freezing cold weather?

Pipes can burst in freezing temperatures because water inside them expands as it freezes, creating pressure that can cause the pipes to crack or burst. This is more likely to happen in uninsulated or exposed pipes. Insulating pipes and keeping a steady drip of water running during cold weather can help prevent them from freezing and bursting.

During a cold night water pipes sometimes burst What is the reason for that?

They freeze. Water expands when it freezes and the pipe breaks.

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Water pipes burst in winter Why?

Because when water freezes it expands thus bursting the pipes.

What causes water pipes to burst when the outside temperature is 5 degrees below zero?

Water freezes at 0 deg C. As the water freezes in the pipes, it expands and it is the force of expansion which causes the pipes to burst.

Why do water pipes burst when water freezes in them?

Water pipes burst when water freezes inside them because as water freezes, it expands and creates pressure within the pipe. This pressure builds up until it exceeds the strength of the pipe, causing it to burst open.

What do you call a GENERALIZED NAME who mends water pipes?

A plumber is a tradesman (or woman) who mends burst water pipes.

What causes water pipes to burst on Subaru?

Head gasket

Why do water pipes often burst in freezing water?

Water EXPANDS as it freezes, hello.

Why do water pipes sometimes burst during the winter?

The water inside uninsulated pipes may freeze and expand during a cold winter, pushing opening joints or splitting the pipes, often unnoticed. When the thaw comes, the ice in the pipes melt, and the water pressure returns, and the water is able to spray out through the damaged pipes.