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The climate and topography of Europe does not support the formation of substantial numbers of tornadoes in most of Europe. The ideal conditions prevail throughout central North America (the US), which is also a much larger region of generally homogeneous climate.

But tornadoes do happen in Europe, and tornado sightings as well as tornado casualties and fatalities have been recorded in Europe since the 11th century.

Because of the number of countries in Europe and the different languages being spoken, news of such events didn't always cross the borders from the nation where a tornado appeared (this has obviously changed in recent decades). Although in size the tornadoes in Europe generally don't compare to those in the central US, they are in some cases just as powerful, and a number of of category F4 and F5 tornadoes have been responsible for thousands of deaths and much property damage.

However, intense tornadoes of F3 and higher intensity are not nearly as common in Europe as they are in the US.

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Q: Why does Europe not get Tornadoes?
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Tornadoes in Europe are rare, especially in Germany.

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Are there tornadoes in Europe?

Tornadoes occur on every continent, and most every country. So, yes, tornadoes do happen in Europe. It is just not nearly as common of an occurance as in the United States.

What European country have tornadoes ripped throu recently?

There have been no tornadoes ravaging through Europe recently.

Was there ever a tornado in Europe?

Yes. Contrary to popular belief, tornadoes are not terribly uncommon in Europe. Strong tornadoes, such as those often reported in the U.S. are less common.

Why are tornadoes not common in Europe?

The climate conditions are not quite right for high frequencies of tornadoes. To form tornadoes usually need a collision of warm moist air with cooler or dried air to create thunderstorms and wind shear to make those thunderstorms into the supercells that produce most tornadoes. This setup does not occur very often in Europe.

Has a tornado ever hit Europe?

Yes,, there have been a number of tornadoes in Europe. Most have been weak though.

Are there tornadoes in Europe or Asia?

Yes. In Europe in the past there were 8 tornadoes that reached the F5 or EF5 rank. Bangladesh,China,Philippines and Japan are the country with more tornadoes in the continent. Bangladesh is the country with the most death in the world due to the tornadoes, infact 18 of the 42 tornadoes that have caused more death in the world occured in Bangladesh, among them also the first (Daultipur and Salturia F5 Tornado that killed 1300 people in 1989). Some EF3 or EF4 tornadoes also occured in Japan killing several people.

How many tornadoes have hit Europe?

Every year about 300 recorded tornadoes hit Europe, There were some F5 in the past in Germany,France, Italy, Poland, Netherlands and Russia. The last possible F5 occured in 1984 in Russia, hitting the city of Ivanovo.

What is a mini tornado?

The term "mini tornado" does not have an exact definition. It has been applied to a number of different phenomena. Some people have called small whirlwinds such as dust devils mini tornadoes. Such whirlwinds are not actual tornadoes but may superficially resemble them. News outlets in Australia and Europe may sometimes refer to the tornadoes they get as "mini tornadoes," even in instances of large, significant tornadoes. They equivocate like this because they are reluctant to admit that tornadoes occur in those areas. People may occasionally call small, weak tornadoes mini tornadoes.

How many hurricanes and tornadoes total this year 2013?

As of July 7, 2013 the has been a preliminary count of 466 tornadoes in the United states and 69 in Europe. Worlwide estimates are not available, and the number of actual tornadoes in Europe is probably higher. There have been 4 storms that have officially become hurricanes, and 12 other tropical cyclones have reached status equivalent tor a hurricane for a total of 16.

What are areas around the world at most risk from tornadoes?

Areas at the highest risk from tornadoes include the central and southern United States, Bangladesh and eastern India, parts of Europe, South Africa, Australia, and parts of Argentina and Brazil.