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Rising air contains water vapour which condenses as the air cools with altitude.

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Q: Why does air raising cause clouds to form?
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The cooling of an air mass from below may cause clouds to form?

Stratus clouds

Why do clouds form as the air rises?

As air rises it becomes decompressed, which causes it to cool. This cooling can cause water vapor to condense, forming clouds.

When airplanes spray substances into the air to cause clouds to form it is called?

Cloud seeding.

Clouds form when air is cooled to?

clouds form when the air is cooled to its dew point

Why does air going up allow clouds to form?

When air rises it decompresses and cools. The cooling can cause moisture in the air to condense.

How does a cyclone affect the weather?

The air cools and clouds form, and my cause rainy or stormy weather

Do clouds form when air rises and then the become saturated?

Typically, yes. As air rises it cools, which can cause moisture in it to condense.

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What clouds form from rising moist air?

Cumulonimbus, or thunderstorm, clouds form from rising moist air.

Do clouds form when air sinks?

Clouds form when warm moist air rises, cools and condenses.

Why does descending air allow clouds to form?

Descending air not allow clouds to form because air rises at low pressures.

Why does descending air allows clouds not to form?

Descending air not allow clouds to form because air rises at low pressures.