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Gold occurs naturally because it is a stable molecular element - it doesn't react with other elements well. Zinc is more reactive than gold so it is difficult to find JUST zinc buried in the ground, instead you get something like zinc oxide and other pollutants which you have to refine.

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Q: Why does gold occur native whereas zinc doesn't?
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In what two ways can elements occur nature?

They can occur as either pure substances, for example native gold and sulphur, or combined with other substances in the form of compounds, such as ores.

What are metallic mineral?

Native metals are minerals. The only metals that commonly occur in native form are copper, silver, gold, and platinum.

Is silver is a native metal what does this mean?

Gold and platinum occur in the Earth as native metal,which means that they are found as the element, not the compound,and so do not need to be reduced.Silver and copper may also be found as native metal. :) hope it helps

Why is gold found in its native form?

because gold have a native energy but iron does not have that native energy

Is owning gold good in a depression?

Owning gold during a depression will give you an upper hand because gold has always held a high value and worth. Whereas money such as the dollar, if a depression were to occur then its value and worth would deflate and it wouldn't help as much as gold would.

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There are native American gold miners in Africa

What mineral is a native element and has a specific gravity of 19?

native gold is 19.3

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This is because metals like gold lie at the bottom in the activity series so they are less reactive and are found in the free state, whereas, metals like aluminium, zinc, etc. are found on the top of the activity series so they are highly reactive and are found in the form of compounds.

Does Jessie j like gold and black?

she doesnt hate black and gold she loves it!!!!!!!

What does a gold rock look like?

doesnt exsist

Can gold occur naturally?

It DOES occur naturally. It is an ore. It is not man made.

Does gold occur naturally?

on earth:D