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Because they add chemicals to kill off all the bacteria and any creatures living in it. But in small enough amounts to be harmless to humans/cats/dogs/whatever else may drink it that's bigger than a spider :)

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12y ago
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12y ago

The reaction of carbon dioxide with water droplets in the atmosphere makes rain naturally mildly acidic. As a result, "normal rain" has a pH of about 5.6 rather than a neutral pH of 7.

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15y ago

Pollution can add materials like SOx and NOx to rainwater. With water these form acids. Acids are, by definition, acidic

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Q: Why does rainwater have a lower pH than tap water?
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Why tap water is the higher boiling temperature than sea water and rainwater?

its nothing

Is rainwater better than tap water?

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Yes because rain water has much more nutrients than tap water. If you were to put tap water in a plant all the led and the backteria is going into your plant. If it is a bean plant and you're putting tap water in a edible plant then you are going to eat the backteria that is in the tap water.

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kendrick canuto

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The rainwater contains minerals from the clouds, walls of rainwater tanks etc, thy just do. But water from a tap (unless bore water) Has no minerals in them and is clean and has no minerals.

Why does beer boil at a lower temperature than tap water?

Beer boil at a higher temperature than tap water because contain many solutes.

How do you make homemade rainwater?

If you let your tap water sit for a couple of hours, exposed to the air, the chlorination will evaporate, and you will have something equivalent to rainwater.

What freezes faster salt water or plain tap water?

Salt in a water solution will LOWER the Freezing Point of the resultant solution. Therefore the Saltwater will have to be cooled to a lower temperature. All other things being equal, that should take longer than the plain tap water.

Does tap water solidify first than distilled water?

The difference in temperature is not significant; for an impure water the freezing point is lower.

Why does a crop plant such as potatoes thrive when their only source of water is rainwater?

Rainwater does not contain certain minerals and salts, which tap water does. and these can prevent the plant from growing properly.