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The moon has gravity, but it is much weaker than the gravity on Earth. It is not enough to hold onto an atmosphere.

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Q: Why does the moon have gravity but no air?
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Will you find gravity water and air on the moon?

The moon does have gravity, it is 1/6 that of the earth's. However the moon does not have water or air. There is no atmosphere to hold the air in.

The moon has no air or no liquid?

The moon has no air or no liquid. This is because the moon has no atmosphere and has little gravity to hold liquids.

There is no gravity air and what on the moon?

The Moon does have gravity! It is weak (just 1/6th of the Earth's) so the Moon has very little atmosphere.

Is it fun floating in the air on the moon?

You don't float in air on the moon because there is no air on the moon, and you don't float anyway. There is gravity on the moon; it is one-sixth the force of Earth's gravity, so you can jump six times higher on the moon, but you don't float weightlessly.

Is there any ants on the moon?

No. There is no air, no gravity, no ants.

How is the possible to travel rocket to moon if there is no any gravitation and air resistance in the moon and out of the earth?

There is gravity on the moon; it is about 1/6 the gravity on Earth. Air resistance is not necessary for vehicles that rely on rocket power rather than air foils for their lift.

Is it possible to float in air on the moon?

It's possible to temporarily "float" in air for a few seconds on the moon because of the low gravity.

What is the air pressure of the moon?

I would imagine it drops, because there is less gravity.

Is their gravity on the moon?

Yes. The moon is less massive and smaller than Earth, so the force of gravity on objects near the moon's surface is less than on Earth. The gravity of the moon is around 1/6 the gravity of the Earth. The acceleration of gravity on the moon is 1.6 meters per second per second.

Why isn't there air on the moon?

There is no atmosphere on Luna, our moon, because it isn't large enough to have enough force of gravity to keep "air" molecules held down to the moon's surface.

Why there is no gravity in moon?

There is gravity on the moon.

How did Earth get in exactly the right distance away from sun and moon so gravity and livable air could exist?
