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Sodium has only one electron to lose to become very stable and Chlorine has only 1 to gain to become stable. So this is overall a very favorable reaction energetically.

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Q: Why elemental sodium react and chlorine react so readily?
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When sodium and chlorine react they form?

Sodium and Chlorine form Sodium Chloride when they react. This is because the cation of sodium is added to the anion of chlorine.

What is the method to produce NACl?

Generally, because sodium is of a positive charge and chlorine, negative, they would readily react to form a salt, sodium chloride.

How do sodium and chlorine react to form sodium chloride?

When in elemental form, atoms of sodium lose electrons to atoms of chlorine, forming ions (this occurs in a 1:1 ratio). These ions are attracted by the electric difference between them and form a salt.

What is the reactant of NaCl?

I'm not sure I understand the question, but if you're asking what you get when you react elemental sodium (a reactive, caustic metal) and elemental chlorine (a reactive, poisonous, greenish-yellow halogen gas), the answer is sodium chloride, ordinary table salt.

Is the compound sodium chloride the same as the element sodium or the element chlorine?

A compound, by definition is made up of more than one element. Sodium chloride (NaCl) is vastly different from both elemental sodium (which is a metal which dissolves when exposed to water) and chlorine (which is a gas that can kill you if you inhale enough of it). When you react both Sodium and Chlorine however.

What readily reacts with chlorine?

Many elements do, the the most reactive ones are the metals on the left column of the Periodic Table: Lithium, Sodium, Potassium, etc. (they react almost explosively with chlorine).

Will chlorine react with sodium chloride?


What can you observe when Sodium and Chlorine react?

Naturally, Sodium is a metal (solid) and chlorine is a gas, so they only react at high temperatures or pressure. When they do react, they form crystals (sodium chloride).

Which elements in the periodic table would sodium like to react with to form a new compound helium argon iron chlorine?

sodium will react chlorine to form sodium chloride

Does sodium and chlorine have the same reactivities?

NO!!! However, if you have a gas jar of chlorine, and place a pellet of sodium in it, they will react to form sodium chloride (salt)

What two things react to make sodium chloride?

Sodium chloride is formed by the reaction of sodium (Na) metal with chlorine (Cl) gas.

Why sodium has valency 1 and chlorine also 1?

Sodium has a valence of +1, because it has 1 valence electron, which it will readily lose to form compounds with non-metals. Chlorine has a valence of -1, because it needs 1 electron to fill its outer electron energy level (it already has 7). Like sodium, it is easy for chlorine to do this, since it only needs one. In fact, sodium and chlorine easily react with each other to from sodium chloride, or salt.