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When the magnetic field is observed from the North pole, the magnetic field emerges and and goes towards south. However, inside a magnet there is no field at all, thus forming butterfly shape lines. Hence, B stands for butterfly and due to this concept, scientists used the symbol B for magnetic induction.

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The symbol B for magnetic induction was introduced by James Clerk Maxwell as part of his electromagnetic theory. It is used to represent the magnetic field intensity within a material, and relates to the magnetic flux density or magnetic field strength. The symbol was chosen to honor Carl Friedrich Gauss, whose work in magnetism greatly influenced the development of electromagnetic theory.

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What does symbol B mean in physics?

In physics, symbol B is often used to represent magnetic field. Magnetic fields are vector quantities that exert a force on moving electric charges and magnetic materials. This symbol is commonly used in equations involving electromagnetic phenomena.

Why can an induction heating process heat magnetic material faster than non magnetic material?

Induction heating relies on inducing electrical currents in a material to generate heat. Magnetic materials have higher electrical conductivity due to their alignment of magnetic dipoles, resulting in quicker induction and faster heating compared to non-magnetic materials. The ability of magnetic materials to efficiently absorb and convert electromagnetic energy into heat contributes to their faster heating in induction processes.

Magnetic induction due to a short dipole?

The magnetic induction due to a short dipole decreases as 1/r^3, where r is the distance from the dipole. It is given by the formula B = (μ0/4π) * (2m/r^3) * cos(θ) where B is the magnetic field, μ0 is the permeability of free space, m is the magnetic moment of the dipole, r is the distance from the dipole, and θ is the angle between the position vector and the dipole moment.

What three things needed to complete magnetic induction?

A changing magnetic field A conductor or coil of wire Movement between the magnetic field and the conductor (relative motion)

How is electricity produced from magnetism?

Electricity can be produced from magnetism through electromagnetic induction. When a conductor, such as a wire, moves through a magnetic field or when the magnetic field around a conductor changes, it induces an electric current to flow in the conductor. This current flow is the basis for producing electricity in generators and other electrical devices.

Related questions

Why you use symbol B for Magnetic field instead of M?

The symbol "B" was historically used by Faraday for magnetic induction. Meanwhile, "M" is commonly used for magnetization in materials, so using "B" helps to differentiate between the two concepts. It also aligns with the International Electrotechnical Commission's standard symbol for magnetic flux density.

What is the causes of electromagnetic induction?

Electromagnetic induction is caused by a changing magnetic field creating an electric current in a conductor. This phenomenon occurs due to Faraday's law of electromagnetic induction and is the basis for generating electricity in power plants and transformers.

What does symbol B mean in physics?

In physics, symbol B is often used to represent magnetic field. Magnetic fields are vector quantities that exert a force on moving electric charges and magnetic materials. This symbol is commonly used in equations involving electromagnetic phenomena.

How you find answers of aipmt2008?

a particle of mass m charge q & the K.E T enters a transverse uniform magnetic field of induction B after 3 sec the K.E of particle will be a particle of mass m charge q & the K.E T enters a transverse uniform magnetic field of induction B after 3 sec the K.E of particle will be a particle of mass m charge q & the K.E T enters a transverse uniform magnetic field of induction B after 3 sec the K.E of particle will be

Electromagnetic induction occurs in a coil when there is a change in?

Could you specify "coil"? Generally the electromagnetic induction occures due to variation of the B-field (magnetic flux density), variation of the current, I, or a change in the total area in which an electric current span over a B-field.

What is magentic induction and an example of magnetic induction?

The magnetic flux density at any point my be defined as the number of linese of magnetic induction passing through a unit area held a right angle to the lines at the point and is represented by the vectore

What is necessary for induction?

For electromagnetic induction, you need a conductor moving in a magnetic field.

Why is magnetic induction a vector quantity?

Magnetic induction is a vector quantity because it has both magnitude and direction. The direction of magnetic induction is given by the right-hand rule, which determines the direction of the magnetic field produced by a current-carrying conductor. This direction is crucial when considering the effects of magnetic fields on charged particles and other magnetic materials.

What is the best way to describe induction?

a) The production of an electric or magnetic state by the proximity (without contact) of an electrified or magnetized body. b) The production of an electric current in a conductor by a change of magnetic field.

Explain the B-H curve?

The B-H curve, also known as the magnetization curve, represents the relationship between the magnetic field (H) applied to a material and the magnetic induction (B) it exhibits in response. It shows how magnetization changes with the strength of an external magnetic field and helps characterize the magnetic properties of a material, such as ferromagnetic materials showing hysteresis.

What does an induction magnetometer measure?

The induction magnetometer detects temporal variation of the geomagnetic field based on Faraday's law of magnetic induction.

What is the symbol of magnetic force?

The symbol for magnetic force is ( F_B ).