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Yes carbon disulfide is a liquid at room temperature. Carbon dioxide is however, a gas. CS2 is a liquid because of the higher molecular weight.

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Q: Why is CS2 a liquid at room temperature?
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Why is CS2 a liquid at room temperature whereas CO2 is a gas at room temperature?

CS2 has a higher molar mass than CO2

What gas is cs2?

CS2 is not a gas at room temperature. CS2 is carbon disulfide, a volatile liquid--meaning it does vaporize easily, but its natural state is liquid. It's a fairly universal solvent that solubilizes easily in water, alcohol, and oils.

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It is a liquid because at room temperature the molecular structure of the substance wants to expand. When the substance expands it goes from being a solid to a liquid. This expansion takes place when the room is at the commonly know "room temperature"

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