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The enzyme is written above the arrow of the chemical equation because it is involved in the reaction without being changed by it or used up in the reaction. It is not a reactant or a product.

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Because although it is present in the reaction, it does not directly participate in it.

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Q: Why is a catalyst written above the arrow in a chemical equation rather than with the reactants?
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Where are Reactants written where on a chemical equation?

No. The reactants are written on the left of the arrow.

What is a method to indicate reactants and products of a chemical reaction using chemical formulas?

In a correctly written chemical equation, reactants are the substances to the left of the arrow, and products are the substances to the right of the arrow. The reactants are what you have before the reaction starts, and the products are what you have when the reaction is over.

A chemical formula written over the arrow in a chemical equation signifies?

A chemical formula written over the arrow in a chemical equation is that of the catalyst used in the reaction.

What must be known before a chemical equation can be written?

We need to know the reactants and products with their chemical formulas.

What are the substance on the left side of an equation called?

The reactants are written on the left side of a word equation.

What is a shorthand way of writing a chemical reaction?

A chemical reaction is always written with the reactants (the things you mix together to do the reaction) on the left and the products (the stuff you get) on the right. In between is an arrow pointing right to indicate that the reactants react and become the products. Catalysts are sometimes listed above the arrow. And don't forget to balance the equation.

How is a catalyst represented in a chemical reaction?

You mean in a chemical equation? There it is always written over the arrow. Like so: .........electricity 2H2O------------>H2+O2

What describes what happens when reactants reorganize to form products?

A chemical reaction occurs when reactants reorganize to form products. However, a chemical equation is a written form that describes what we've observed when reactants reorganize to form products.

What is the theoretical yield of ethanol?

This question cannot be answered as written. The chemical equation is needed, as well as the masses of the reactants.

When writing a chemical equation what must be written first?

First write down what you know. Reactants go on the left, followed by an arrow, with products on the right. Balance the equation.

What substance is on the left side of a chemical reaction?

The substances on the left side of a chemical equation are the reactants. The right hand side substances are the products.i.e. A + B -------> C + D(reactants) (products)

What does MnO2 mean in a chemical equation?

It means you have some manganese(IV) oxide. This compound most often shows up in chemical equations as a catalyst. It is most popularly used as a catalyst in the decomposition of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2.) A catalyst speeds up a chemical reaction by lowering the reaction's activation energy. In the equation for a chemical reaction, the catalyst is written in superscript-small symbols above the "yield" arrow.