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the sun's radiation warms it up.

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Q: Why is air warmer at the top of the stratosphere than at the top of the troposphere?
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Why does the stratosphere have less oxygen than the troposphere?

We know that oxygen is just a bit heavier than the air like carbon dioxide ,nitrogen etc.Besides that the main source of oxygen,the trees is in troposphere. Because of this reasons oxygen density is much heavier in troposphere than the stratosphere

Why is the troposphere thinner at the poles?

As air gets colder it contracts. While the total amount of air is about the same in any column of the troposphere, at the cold poles that column takes up less space, resulting in a shorter distance to the top of the troposphere.

How does the temperature change within the stratosphere?

The temperature changes within the stratosphere with increasing distance from the earth. The temperature increases with altitude, reaching a maximum of about 2 degrees Celsius This is unlike the troposphere, where the temperature decreases with increasing altitude. The heating is caused by the ozone layerbecause as it absorbs solar radiation, the heat around the ozone layer charges the particles in the upper stratosphere as it releases some energy, increasing its temperature. This is also simply known as conduction. Unlike the troposphere, the stratosphere is generally stable, and the warmer air does not cool down and fall like how it does in the troposphere.

The layer of earth's atmosphere closest to land is?

This is the troposphere. It is the layer of air where all weather occurs. Above the troposphere is the stratosphere, home of the ozone layer.

What happens as you move from the troposphere to the stratosphere?

the air pressure changes because gas paticles are farther apart and air pressure decreases

Related questions

How does ozone in the troposphere differ from ozone in the stratosphere?

In the troposphere, plants and animals can be harmed, but in the stratosphere, there is no life because in the troposphere is closest to earth n the air u breath is part of the troposphere. and in the stratosphere the air can affect your lungs

What is air like in the stratosphere?

The stratosphere is the second layer in the atmosphere, right above the troposphere. The air is warmer the higher you go up and cooler farther down. Commercial aircraft flies in the lower layer of the stratosphere.

Why does the stratosphere have less oxygen than the troposphere?

We know that oxygen is just a bit heavier than the air like carbon dioxide ,nitrogen etc.Besides that the main source of oxygen,the trees is in troposphere. Because of this reasons oxygen density is much heavier in troposphere than the stratosphere

What is the name of the air layers?

The layers are present in stratosphere. These are troposphere, stratosphere, mesosphere, thermosphere.

How is stratosphere and troposphere the same?

it is same because there are both in the air.

What happens to air pressure when you move from the troposphere to the stratosphere?

air pressure decreases

What happens to the air pressure when you move from the troposphere to the stratosphere?

air pressure decreases

What are the layers of the air?

Layers of atmousphere/Air: Troposphere, Stratosphere, Mesosphere and Theremosphere

Convection occurs in the troposphere but not in the stratosphere because?

Because of the temperature in the troposphere that decreases as the altitude also lowers, convection only happens on it and not in the stratosphere. Also, because of the warm air from the land that is rising to the troposphere it becomes denser than the air above it that makes convection only happen in the said layer.

Why is the troposphere thinner at the poles?

As air gets colder it contracts. While the total amount of air is about the same in any column of the troposphere, at the cold poles that column takes up less space, resulting in a shorter distance to the top of the troposphere.

Why does temperature increase with height through the stratosphere?

Ozone absorbs more ultraviolet radiation than does air in the troposphere. As a result, the stratosphere is heated, and air gradually increases in temperature to the top of the layer, called the startopause.

How does the temperature change within the stratosphere?

The temperature changes within the stratosphere with increasing distance from the earth. The temperature increases with altitude, reaching a maximum of about 2 degrees Celsius This is unlike the troposphere, where the temperature decreases with increasing altitude. The heating is caused by the ozone layerbecause as it absorbs solar radiation, the heat around the ozone layer charges the particles in the upper stratosphere as it releases some energy, increasing its temperature. This is also simply known as conduction. Unlike the troposphere, the stratosphere is generally stable, and the warmer air does not cool down and fall like how it does in the troposphere.