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Carbon is a good element for organic molecules because of its incredible versatility, which derives from the arrangement of its valence electrons and the type and energy level of the bonds they form.

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Q: Why is carbon such a good element for organic molecules?
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Does copper have carbon?

No, both copper and carbon are elements. Carbon is the basic element involved in organic chemistry. Copper is a very important element which is used in the pure form in a variety of situations, especially electrical conduction. It is also a good thermal conductor so is commonly used as a "heat sink" to radiate heat away from sensitive electronics. Copper may be combined with carbon in certain compounds, often called "organometallic" compounds but as the question is posed, copper does not contain (have) carbon in it. Good luck, Nitrous

Is diamond a mineral or a crystal?

Diamond is considered an elemental mineral.Diamond is made of pure carbon, with carbon atoms arranged in a cubic structure and bonded to their neighbors in a very compact way. So, diamond is made of an element but it is not an element. It is not a compound either, because, by definition, a compound is made up of two or more elements.I would say diamond is crystalline form of carbon, that is, it is composed merely of carbon atoms in a highly structured arrangement. It is carbon, like charcoal, but its more expensive due to its good properties that include natural hardness and beauty. Note that only about 20% of all diamonds mined are gem-quality stones.

What is considered a carbon sink?

A carbon sink is a natural or artificial storage for carbon dioxide. The largest carbon sinks are the oceans and other open water sources, and plants. Artificial sinks are landfills and underground sequestration facilities such as depleted oil and gas wells.

Is carbon dioxide a good thing or a bad thing?

Well, carbon dioxide is both good and bad. Carbon dioxide for humans is bad because to much of it for us can be fatal and lead to suffocation. But, it is good for plants.

What element is a good conductor that starts with an s?

The element that is a good conductor that begins with the letter S is Selenium. Another choice could be Scandium.

Related questions

Why is carbon such a good element to form the base of organic molecules?

The atomic number of carbon is six. Carbon has four electrons in the outer orbit. It can share the four electrons with other elements. Carbon can form the chain with other carbon atoms. Because of this unique property of the carbon atom, you have the entire organic chemistry based on this atom. You can not imagine the world without this atom.

Is carbon a bad molecule?

Carbon is not a molecule; it is an element. An element is a substance containing only one type of atom. Carbon molecules are collections of carbon atoms. No chemical element is "good" or "bad"; they just exist.

What is one characteristic shared by all organic compounds?

Just remember NCHOPS.Which stands for; Nitrogen, Carbon, Hydrogen, Oxygen, Phosphorus, and Sulfur, All organic compounds usually have C,H, and O. Most also have nitrogen, phosphorus, and sulfur.

What characteristics do many organic compounds in common?

Most of the organic molecules have good bit of number of carbons in it.An organic molecule having carbon, Hydrogen and oxygen is called ether.An organic molecule having carbon, hydrogen and Nitrogen is called amines.All organic compounds have carbon and hydrogen in them, the compound needs both carbon and hydrogen to be organic.

Does photosynthesis is like cellular respiration backwards?

In cellular respiration, organic molecules and oxygen are taken in to create carbon dioxide and water. In photosynthesis, carbon dioxide and water are taken in to create organic molecules and oxygen.

Nonpolar organic molecules are good examples of?

hydrophilic compound

What are Nonpolar organic molecules are good examples of?

Hydrophobic compounds

Chemistry Required For Biomedical Engineering?

A good background in inorganic and organic chemistry is required for biomedical engineering. After accomplishing study in inorganic chemistry, one must obtain a solid understanding of how organic carbon and other molecules comprise the essential structures of life molecules. Organic chemistry enables one to study the activities of different micro-bodies.

What are 3 things that ghosts are afraid of?

Pure rock salt. Without any iodine in it. Another good, basic material is dirt. Spirits are repelled by earthly materials such as, rocks, salts, minerals, organic compounds (molecules including the element Carbon), and water. These materials are all earthly (some organic compounds ARE manufactured, beware of companies trying to sell you "natural" ghost repellents).

What elements are present in organic macromolecules?

Molecules of carbons are known as orgains. Since carbon is the main atom of carbohydrates, proteins and other macromolecules they are said to be organic. There is no in organic macromolecules exist in our cell.

How are the building blocks of organic molecules like brick?

The building blocks of organic molecules are like bricks because they are the foundation. Basic organic molecules are similar to bricks because you need them to build upon.

Is CaNo3 organic?

NO … Calcium Nitrate (CaNO3) contains no carbon (C) which is a good clue as to whether it is Organic or not.