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Becuase it heats up and burns like a match then cools and the oxygen rises into the sky like a birdy, then it farts and ends up oxygen free.

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Q: Why is copper heated in an atmosphere of hydrogen to make it oxygen free?
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When copper is heated in oxygen the compound formed is?


What happens to copper when it is heated?

When copper is heated it oxidizes. The additional oxygen molecules it takes on when oxidizes leads it to have a higher mass.

What elements are copper nitrate made up of?

Copper, Hydrogen, Nitrogen, Oxygen

What is copper metal heated with oxygen gives solid copper II oxide classified as?


What elements do cuoh2 contain?

copper, oxygen and hydrogen

What do you get if you mix copper and iron?

It forms copper (I) oxide and copper (II) oxide, mostly the (II) oxide that is black. If you talk about what color is emitted a green/turquoise when heated. If in a oxygen-poor atmosphere it melts without oxidising.

Is there oxygen in Jupiters atmosphere?

Nope. Jupiter's atmosphere contains hydrogen and helium.

Is copper oxide hydrogen?

No. Copper oxide is just copper and oxygen. It is generally green in color and is often seen as weathering or corrosion on copper. Hydrogen is an element and is not part of copper oxide.

Can you get the copper oxide from burning copper with oxygen?

Yes, copper oxide can be obtained by burning copper with oxygen. When copper is heated in the presence of oxygen, it undergoes a chemical reaction to form copper oxide. The resulting copper oxide can be collected and used for various purposes.

What are the names of the two main gases?

in the atmosphere nitrogen and oxygen hydrogen and oxygen

Does the sun have an oxygen atmosphere?

No. It is composed mainly of hydrogen and helium. It is about 1% oxygen.

When a metal powder is heated in open dish it turns black which metal is that?

The metal might be copper. When copper is heated, it reacts with oxygen in air forming copper oxide which is black in colour.