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When sodium is subjected to a flame test, it burns a bright yellow. This yellow flame can be brighter than the lilac flame color of the potassium, which makes it more difficult to distinguish between the sodium and potassium.

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Q: Why is it difficult to identify potassium ions and sodium ions in low sodium salt using a flame test?
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How can you identify that present salt is diclofenac sodium or diclofenac potassium?

to perform flame tset or other qualitative test for potassoium

How do you test for sodium ions and potassium ions when both are present?

Get a wire. Bend it into a ring and put a few crystals of your solid on it. Do a flame test using a Bunsen burner. Potassium will give a violet flame and Sodium ions will give a Yellow flame.

Identify the compound which gives a lilac flame color?

K+ Potassium

How can you differentiate between sodium chloride salt and potassium salt?

The colors in the flame test are different (yellow for sodium, lilac for potassium).The taste is also different.

Chemical test can distinguish sodium carbonate form potassium hydroxide?

- use a flame test to distinguish between sodium and potassium - use flame photometry to determine sodium and potassium - heat sodium carbonate and collect the gas in a beaker with water: the gas released is carbon dioxide; see the bubbles. Measure the pH; it will be more than 7.

What colours do potassium chloride sodium chloride and lithium chloride go in a flame?

Color is determined by the respective cation: Potassium - lilac Sodium - yellow Lithium - red

When sodium is heated in flame it will give?

Flame tests are often used to identify metals and other substances, such as sodium. If you expose the element sodium to flame, it will give off a bright, vibrant yellow color.

What colour flame test do sodium sulphate and potassium chloride give?

well , the colour of potassium chloride is a lilac colour :) hope this helps

Why is the flame test used?

To identify the presence of certain metal ions, such as sodium and caesium.

What is the colour of potassium carbonate?

In a flame test, potassium and its compounds emit a lilac color, which may be masked by the strong yellow emission of sodium if it is also present. Cobalt glass can be used to filter out the yellow sodium color. The potassium ion is colorless in water.

Metal that bursts into flame when it reacts with water?

Potassium is the only metal (alkali metal) where a flame is present. Lithium and sodium fizz but there is no flame. Caesium, francium and rubidium all explode on contact with water.

Which metal reacts with water and burns with a lilac flame?

Potassium has a violet color in the flame test.