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Get a wire. Bend it into a ring and put a few crystals of your solid on it. Do a flame test using a Bunsen burner. Potassium will give a violet flame and Sodium ions will give a Yellow flame.

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The potassium ion burns with a lilac coloured flame.

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Q: How do you test for sodium ions and potassium ions when both are present?
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Which ions are exchanged in a sodium potassium pump?

3 sodium ions for 2 potassium ions.

What is a brief description of the action of the sodium-potassium pump?

The sodium-potassium pump is a transmembrane protein in a cell membrane. It keeps large concentrations of sodium ions outside the cell, and potassium ions inside the cell. It does this by pumping the sodium ions out, and the potassium ions in.

What's the direction sodium ions are pumped?

Sodium ions and potassium ions are pumped in opposite directions. Sodium ions are pumped out of the cell and potassium ions are pumped into the cell.

Why is it imposible for sodium to unite chemically with potasium?

both sodium and potassium ions have a +1 valence state.

What ions are pumped in and out of cell through the sodium potassium pump?

3 sodium ions go out and 2 potassium ions go in

Process by which ATP is used to move sodium ions out of the cell and potassium ions back into the cell?

Sodium-Potassium pump uses ATP (energy) to pump sodium out of cells and potassium back in.

The sodium-potassium pump releases?

Hmm. Maybe Sodium and Potassium? Or another answer is it transfers Na+ (sodium) out of the cell and K+ potassium into the cell.

What are two ions that are needed for nerve transmission?

Not minerals, it is ions. Calcium ions and sodium ions.

Sodium and potassium ions both have a positive charge but potassium is larger and there is a protein channel that allows potassium ions through but blocks sodium ions and how is this possible?

These membranes have several types of selective ion channels. Some are nongates and always open, but for the potassium channel is gated, and only opens for the chemical potassium after specific conformational changes.

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NaKATPase transports 3 K ions into the cell and takes only two Na ions out of it.

In a sodium-potassium pump what molecules are moved and where are they moved to?

In a sodium-potassium pump a carrier protein uses ATP in Active transport. The sodium ions are transported out of the cells and the potassium ions are transported into the cell.