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Its simple because light travels faster hence you end to see it first...

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Q: Why is it in a thunder storms you see the ligherning before the thunder?
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Is thunder heard before you see lightning?

Yes No, lightening is seen before thunder is heard.

How long do the different storms last?

You can never tell how long a thunder storm will last but you can tell how far away it is by waiting for thunder the count till you see lightning.

Why do you always see thunder before lightning?

I think the appropriate wording for this question: "why do you see lightning before hearing thunder?" The simple answer is that light travels faster than sound.

Why do you see lightning before you see thunder in terms of wave theory?

You see lightning first because light travels faster then sound.Also, you don't see thunder - you hear it.

Do people see lightning before the sound of thunder reaches us?

Yes - since light travels faster than sound, you will see the lightning flash before hearing the sound of the thunder.

Why do thunder and lightning arrive at different times?

You will see the lightning before you hear the thunder because light travels faster than sound (:

Can you see thunder or lightning?

You see lighting and hear thunder.

When a cannon is fired why do you see the light before you hear it?

For the same reason you see lightning before you hear thunder, Light travels faster than sound.

How do you figure the distance of storms from you?

If it is a thunderstorm, you check how long it takes to hear the thunder after you see a lightning strike. For every five seconds, the lightning strike is about one mile away. The lightning causes the thunder, and the sound travels at a speed of about one mile per five seconds.

How come you see lighting and do not hear it and how come you hear thunder and do not see it?

You see lightning before you hear it because light moves faster than sound. Thunder comes from the lightning. You can't hear it until the sound waves reach you.

Why are you hearing thundering after lightning?

A lightning flash travels at the speed of light. The sound of thunder travels much slower. Therefore, we see the flash before we hear the thunder.

Why do you see thunder after you see the flash of lightning?

You don't see thunder. You hear thunder. You hear thunder after seeing the lightning because light travels faster than sound. The further the storm away is, the bigger the time between when you see the lightning and hear the thunder.