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because it filters all of the air and makes it easy to breath.

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Q: Why is oxygen gas pumped into Tyrode's solution?
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Is oxygen a solvent or solution?

Oxygen is a solvent and if you want to know what a helium is then it is a solute.

What would be formed at the cathode and the anode during the electrolysis of sodium hydroxide solution?

Hydrogen gas would evolve from the cathode and oxygen gas would evolve from the anode.

Which property explains why a lot of oxygen can be pumped into a very small container?

Yes as the oxygen (gas) can be compressed into the very small container which is a property.

Can 78 percent of nitrogen and 21 percent oxygen be a solution?

The simple answer to your question is "maybe." Solutions are defined as a homogenous (uniform) mixture of 2 or more substances. In a solution, a solute is dissolved into another substance known as the solvent. When referring to a solution in chemistry, one is often referring to a mixture of 2 or more liquids, however solutions may be composed of mixtures of a solid, gas or liquid. In cases of liquid and solid solvents, another substance (the solute) in a gas, liquid or solid phase may be dissolved into the solvent to make a solution. Solutions of gases can only be made with mixtures of substances in the gas phase. 78% nitrogen gas and 21% oxygen gas may be considered a solution if these 2 gases are homogenously mixed with another gas (or gases) that make up the remaining 1%. The mixture of 78% nitrogen and 21% oxygen refers to the composition of the atmosphere of Earth or air. In reality air is not considered a solution as it contains many impurities which make it a heterogenous mixture.

What is the reaction of copper and ammonium hydroxide and hydrogen peroxide?

In the presence of ammonia and copper, hydrogen peroxide will decompose, liberating oxygen gas. The oxygen gas dissolves in the solution and oxidizes copper to copper (2+). Then the ammonia reacts with the Cu2+ forming a complex with deep blue color.